Day 1,595, 10:15 Published in Ireland Ireland by Viktor Kurgan

Humans are morons….

That being said…I must say what great butthurt I feel with Irasian’s article.
And when I say butthurt I mean by not being happy, not butthurt in ICA way.

That being said….Irasian showed huge ignorance writing about Kurgan.

The Kurgan is well known as a supreme lover that has been giving pleasure to many womenz…

The Kurgan is insane…

The Kurgan is creator of radical wing of Libertad, Dark Libertad and The First Unimember of Dark Libertad….

The Kurgan is appointed Minister of Chaos, Gore and Spiritual Enlightenment until the last star burns out…

The Kurgan is insane….

The Kurgan is breaking laws of nature and erepublik…..

The Kurgan has been responsible for every bug and malfunction in erepublik…

The Kurgan DO NOT MANIPULATE like other candidates………actually…Kurgan lies…I do manipulate you but it has nothing to do with this silly game or anything about it.
Its dark magic…you know Lucifer and stuff…nothing to worry about…

The Kurgan is insane….

Why is Kurgan running for CP?
-To entertain himself

Why vote for Kurgan?
-To Fk up plans of other candidates…The Kurgan is x-factor..

What can you expect when Kurgan wins?
-Chaos, Gore and Spiritual Enlightenment….
-With Kurgan as CP there is one thing you can will never forget that month.

What are Kurgan’s plans as CP?
-To NE EVERYONE…..i told admins I want that and they answere😛 “please leave us alone”…I guesed that means ok….
-To appoint IBhoy as my secretary so that I can abuse him and giving him silly tasks…
-To breaks out of erepublik realm into real world…gather a posse made of drunk insane retards as myself and travel to Romania to invade Erepublik headquarters.
Having control over erep servers we will have control over entire erepublik and WILL RULE LIKE GODS!...until police came and beat the crap out of us…

What if Kurgan don’t win?
-Irrelevant…this elections are just Kurgan’s mind trick to make you all belive in illusion you have a freedom of choice…
The Kurgan is taking over by brutal force…

Before the end as The First Unimember I am calling you to join Dark Libertad.
If you feel antient evil rage against this pathetic modern evil you must join Dark Libertad.
If you hate authorities, laws and rules of mortals you must join Dark Libertad.

Ireland…join the dark side of Libertad…..i am your father…

Hrvatska verzija/Croatian version:
Velikoj ribi odsjeći glave i repove i staviti kuhati glave, repove i sitnu ribu.(kad zavri još 10 minuta). Kad je kuhano, ocjediti i ohladiti te očistiti od kostiju i to meso isjeckati u multipraktiku (ili bilo kakvoj sjeckalici, a poslužit će i obični mikser) Veliku ribu nasjeći na komade i preliti bijelim vinom tako da su svi pod vinom.

Luk i sve ostalo povrće osim feferona isjeckati (opet multić uskače, ako ga nemate onda sitno naribati). Zagrijati ulje i ubaciti povrće te ga propirjati dok se ne raspadne, podliti vodom, dodati propasiranu ribu, 2, 5 dcl paradajza, 2 žlice slatke paprike, vegetu, sol, lovor, 10 zrna papra, nasjeckane feferone (ili čili) i kuhati 1 sat lagano. (po potrebi doliti još vode)

Nakon 1 sat dodati fant razmućen u 2, 5 dcl paradajza i 1 dcl tople vode i kuhati još pola sata. Nakon toga staviti ribu iz vina i kuhati dok komadi ne isplivaju. Probati, dodati čega nedostaje (sol, ljuta paprika, vegeta) i na kraju uliti 2dcl bijelog vina.