Lunching Of LOMB Forum

Day 966, 00:06 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Noveras

Today I am proud to announce the lunching or LOMB own forum.It is a simple forum and there are a few problems that is still unresolved because I still couldn't find the solution but 95% of it are already done.Now I just need people to start joining it and give feed back to me on what problems that they are facing and how I can improve the forum.

The lunching of LOMB forum is another small step that the project have taken to make it a reality.Currently the government still does not give any respond on supporting LOMB and I'm still waiting for their respond.I also still waiting messages from business owners who are interested to join LOMB.

For more details on what is LOMB please read this article . The link to forum is

Yours Truly

Noveras "The Rebel"
(Founder Of LOM😎