Lords of the eUK

Day 771, 11:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Horice G Fossil


Lords of the eUK

The struggle for power in the eUK has begun.
Two opposing forces are preparing to
fight for control over these lands

Nice Guy Eddie and his merry band stand ready
to face the might of Dishmcds the powerful.

"We have come to rule the lands and rid them of the
US trolls that have been roaming freely here"

Dish has sounded the call
to arms among his followers.

"I have proved myself worthy before,
NGE is no match for mighty Dishmcds !"

Malta says this battle will
be too close to call

"Youth against experience,i don't know who
will be in the scrolls come the end of this"

After Woldy broke the old
guards grip on power

NGE feels he is ready to vanquish
them once and for all

"My time has come i shall be the one
standing once the battle is finished"

Necrosis says whoever is triumphant
won't be as good as he would have been

"It's my precious and they're both fu#kers !"

Forces are being mustered on both
sides ready for the confrontation

"Hi Eddie ! shall be our battle cry"

Dish seems to have the stronger support

and more weapons in his arsenal

"I'm going to win i feel it in my balls"

But NGE band are strong of heart and
ready to give thier all for thier cause

Who will prevail and who perish in
this epic battle to come ?

What's better Youth or Experience ?
only one way to find out :


Horice 🙂
