LOMB Failed Because Malaysian Failed

Day 969, 17:42 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Noveras

As you all know for the past week I've been trying to start out a revolution in Malaysia business arena by starting League Of Malaysia Businessmen.You can find out what LOMB is in this article.

So from the beginning I already stated that I only have 30% of faith that it would actually work and my faith is put on the right place.So why LOMB failed so fast and so miserably???Well here are the reasons

1) No support from the government

2) Lack of support from the people that LOMB actually try to help which is the businessmen of Malaysia

???How Many People Applied???

So how many businessmen that actually applied to be part of LOMB???Well here are the list

1) Dr. Straatman

2) nicholas2000

Yes only 2 people made an official request to join LOMB.


So what can I conclude from this failure?Well first of all malaysian has again shows that they don't care about anything.I wasted 2 days making LOMB forum and try to help this people but how can I do that when they don't help their self?What I can see in the political arena of Malaysia is the same thing that I can see in the overall society of Malaysia.No use trying to help or fighting for this country when Malaysian don't want to help their self.Most Malaysia are just bunch of snoob who only thinks about them self.The only reason why I still holding my Malaysia citizenship because of this people

1) CDV (My first mentor.We approach things differently but I still respect him as my mentor)

2) Mr. Alpeh (One of the most interesting person I've met even include RL)

3) eyex3 (my good friend and student)

4) Maruko81(is she still alive???)

5) Nicholass2000(he quits on Malaysia)

6) Zyleris( interesting person & she impress me with her knowledge but never really get to know her)

7) Wingman

😎 Buntak

9) Fuzzy

10) Mansour (my economic guru)

11) JuVin (PR loyal supporter)

12) Spykerman (Fellow DPP in the old days)

Basically those people are the only person who I actually like and earn my respect in Malaysia.There are a few more but I can't remember their name.Basically we have more than 1000 citizen now and out of that not more than 20 that I actually think worth to fight for and they have earn my respect which really hard to come by even in RL.

So enough with my ranting because less than 30 people out of 1000 ++ going to read it anyway.So Malaysian,you failed!!!

Your Truly

Noveras "The Disappointed Malaysian"