Know a bit more about the IFP, what do we do in RL [UPDATED]

Day 2,148, 16:19 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

I did one of those, “My Party is Great” articles two days ago and had a contest in it to guess where our members lived in real life. Well no one even tried to guess, I got called a multi of snake, heck even Kurgan did not even heckle me. Feeling a bit ignored and not loved, I am plowing on with article two. What do the IFP members do for a living or study in school. Same prize again, 20 Q7 weapons for person who guesses best in the comments. Before I get into the rest of the party bonus question guess what I do for a living.

A. Professional spelling bee contestant
B. Dairy Farmer
c. Engineer
D. Leftist political operative of the peoples Marist army
E. Dunking booth clown

I know tough one to figure out. So here is the rest of the party. Match the A-I up with the 1-10. I will update in 24 hours with anwsers.

A. Elysium Falls
B. Rikian
C. Elite C
D. CuFaoil
E. Lactic Acid
F. Shane Kelly
G. Gormley
H. Ronan
I. Bhane

1. Study Data Science

2. Study Math

3. I am the jobless wonder. But, I do have a 2 bachelors degrees in finance, and a masters degree in economics. I am a trained economist. I'm good with money, so I am able to stretch the money I made from a small windfall in my youth.

4. Studying law

5. B.A. Degree in Commerce and Geography. Currently pursuing a 1yr Master in Accounting and hoping to do a PhD next year.

6. Manage a 'discount' supermark

7. I studied/am studying history, Polish and English. At the same time I'm working as a foreign press observer.

8. Play onlone poker

9. Mastering in History

10. one member is finishing a degree in Artificial Intelligence but wants to keep his RL private.


A. Elysium Falls 8
B. Rikian 9
C. Elite C 5
D. CuFaoil 7
E. Lactic Acid 4
F. Shane Kelly 6
G. Gormley 2
H. Ronan 1
I. Bhane 3

Moo I am an Engineer but wish I was a dunk booth clown

Some very interesting fields and very diverse, I am proud to be a member of this party. GOOD LUCK Next article favorite sport team of IFP.