Kick off Your Collegues - Company day 3

Day 1,477, 00:10 Published in Japan Japan by Geezus

Kick off Your Collegues - Company day 3.

Company rules
(Change😛 I don't send back bribes if your ask was impossible to accomplish!)

Darshu sent me 1000 JPY to kick them all. (refused)
Gaohei sent me 10 HUF to fire cimicianga2323. (ok)
Shikiaki sent me 50JPY and 50 food but asked me for nothing. (ok)
Highest bribe: Darshu.

Manager decision:
cimicianga2323: You are fired!
Darshu: You earned 220 JPY!

+20 JPY salary for the others.

The company is searching for one new employee.

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