June 3 Strike - Mann's Strike Team

Day 4,944, 21:05 Published in Canada Canada by Mann551

Another Strike occurred on June 3 @ 19:55 erepublik time and though I could not lead it, Kippers stepped up and took the lead. Overall, the strike went swimmingly!

We had 8 eCanadians participate in the strike this time. We fought for Canada against Turkey in the Resistance War of New Brunswick!

Here are some quick stats:

There were a total of 1,007 kills made by Strike Team Members.
A total damage of 1,446,643,975 was dealt.

289 Q7 weapons were supplied to the fighters.

With Kippers leading the strike, he decided to double the usual kill reward for each participant. Normally each player would receive a reward of 500 cc as a base, plus 7 cc for each set of 5 kills they completed. This time each player received 1,000 cc as a base, plus 14 cc for each set of 5 kills completed.

The total cost of this strike in terms of supplies and rewards handed out was 34,681 cc.

Thanks to Kippers, Simulare, Blue Bird, Helixer, Ginoraf3000, Mary Chan, DataScientist, and Goran Thrax for participating!

Stayed tuned for the next strike. It will be announced in the strike channel on the eCanadian discord, as well as on the national feed and in the congress private message!

Until next time,

Mann Out!

P.S. A final grand thank you to Kippers, once again, for stepping in and leading the strike where I was unable to lead it myself!