Interview with Efthimios Pappas

Day 463, 16:08 Published in Canada Israel by Chaim Dov

The Prince Edward Island Daily had the pleasure of speaking with Greek Resistance Leader, Efthimios Pappas and who has liberated Thrace and recreated a Greek homeland.

1. First off, Why did you start this rebellion?

1-2) Greece is the country that introduced Democracy to the world. Being occupied by the Turks was not a kind cooperation. The Turks took over our parties and even fired Greeks, that asked for freedom.This situation couldn't do nothing but bad to our people. We had nothing to lose. Our priority was to gain liberation, so nothing was at stake. To be exact our liberation was a matter of time.

3. What was the thing that ticked off that wheel to fight Turkey and free Greece?

3-5)The RW was planned in our ex-capital. However a foreign group started it in Aegean Islands but failed. Later the Israelis started theirs as well. So I decided that we should strike them now that they were weak. Of course we did our best to strike hard, but let's be honest, without the foregn support we would still be occupied.

6. Do you plan to continue fighting Turkey until all former Greek lands are returned?


7. I see you are running for President of Greece do you have a platform or goals you would like to do if you are elected?

As things stand now in Greece, a certain platform cannot be announced. My only goal is to secure our lands and help reconstruct a powerfull economy.

8. Do you believe that Turkey and Greece can become friends in the future and end this conflict?

Negotiations were started before our RW. However diplomacy cannot be done with those that occupy your country. From our side, now that we are at least ''partly'' freed , we are willing to discuss with the Turkish Government.

9. What is the one thing you think "Greece" needs at this moment?

Greece needs MPPs to secure her region. A lot of new players arrive every day. We are eager to create from scratch what was destroyed by the Turks.

10. Do you have anything to say to Greeks who live in Turkey controlled Greece?

The Greeks there need to hang on. Moving to Thrace is not a possibillity as few job offers are available at the moment. As we speak new companies and organizations are being founded.

It has been a pleasure to speak with you Mr.Pappas and I do hope you can regain back all of Greece for your people.