Iniciativa Popular // Popular initiative [CAT/ENG]

Day 2,139, 04:31 Published in Egypt Cuba by Bartulieber
Hola col·legues // Hello comrades

Us escric aquest article perquè considero que estaria bé que fessim alguna cosa per anar entrenant-nos i podent lluitar pel nostre estat. Encara que sigui per entrenar-nos, i passar l'estona, però cal una mica d'acció.
I wrote you this article because I consider that would be fine to do something for train us and to fight for our country. Even it is for training and have some fun, but a bit of action is needed.

They have been called too

Per això, us convoco i us demano que doneu suport a la RW d'Upper Egypt. La perdrem, i perdrem 1000 cc els que ho haguem fet, però no podem estar quiets i esperar que d'altres ens solucionin els problemes, mentre només ens queixem.
For that, I call and ask to support the RW in Upper Egypt. We will lose and those who payed, will lose 1000cc but we can't be stillness and wait for the others to solution the issues, while we just complain.

Jo ja he donat suport a la RW i tu?

I already give support to the RW, did you?