I don't believe he had the nerve to write this!

Day 2,390, 12:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Madelina de Melrose

Received this, please read my response below:

TUP ~ Caught Cheating Again.BigAnt
BigAnt to Madelina de Melrose | 4 hours ago
Guys, Must I keep having to message you still?

This time the Elites really messed up again. They ran a 2 month old account for CP.. http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-bigant-another-tup-multi-banned-2406080/1/20

He has been banned for Multi's - his real account is still in TUP "Temp" banned for now, so clearly he has bought some gold, which has saved his ass.

So ask yourselves these questions.
1) I want to run for Congress - but i'm never given a chance.. Why NOT?
2) Why does Kravenn get 50 congress medals and I have 2,1 or none?
3) Why can Iain Keers become PP with 4 votes in the "forums"?
3) Why are the Elites of TUP hand selecting Country President Candidates?
4) Why are we a party full of Belgian + Polish players?
5) Why did they choose a 2 month old account for CP?
6) Why is money being stolen and TUP elites accepting it?
7) I want to run for Party President, but never given a chance?

😎 Why am I still here, using my vote to support the non British elites, who have used the UK to gain power, medals and gold at the expense of ME!?

If any of these are true or relate to you.
THAT is why I'm here, that is why I have been fighting the Elites for years.

That is why I will never stop fighting, we are taking Vendetta to Number 1. A real party will real Votes (all in feeds) we give food and weapons to those who are active.
We give you congress opportunties etc

I ask you to just take a look and see if you like before you right us off.

I never stolen from Country when I was CP 3x
I never Created multis to gain power
I never lied to you

Stop being used please!

Join Vendetta - http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/the-unity-party-163/1


I want you all to see my response. While I know no political party is immune from shenanigans, he and his buddy Dapper (now renamed You Can Call Me V at great expense to himself, do you have something to hide Dapper?) are frantically reaching for new lows in intelligent discussion.

Dear Big Ant,

Seems you have the facts a bit skewed. When Vendetta was still NE, you had a ton of accounts banned - and they're still being banned fast as your buddies create them.

Also, there's no obstacle to getting into Congress - if one actually proves oneself active and willing to work for the eUK. If you are not included in the lists of candidates, maybe it's something about you? Like your insistence on troublemaking and blasting falsehoods out to all and sundry? Didn't take me long to see through you and I hadn't even "known" you all that long....

Kravenn gets all those Congress medals because - shock, horror! - she gets elected. You don't get them because - wait for it! - you don't get elected. Really, I'd expect a preschooler to have figured that out.

I would have thought you'd have been around long enough to realise we don't choose presidents in the forums, we choose them by election. Which is only open to members of that party, which is why you didn't see how many voted Ian got.

Why is your party full of Serbs - some still in Serbian MUs - who are at war with the eUK? The Poles and Belgians have been our allies, we're not at war with them. Why did Dapper/V let in a bunch of enemy players (for those who don't know, Congress members can see who approved someone's citizenship)?

No idea why they chose a 2-month-old account for CP. You'll have to ask them... but I suspect it was probably because everyone with the qualifications to do the job is fed up with your and Dapper/V's bullfeathers.

I guess as a former Minister I would be on the fringe of the "elites" - and I've not received any money, stolen or otherwise, except donations for eBrit University/NHS - and those accounts are kept strictly separate by painstaking use of spreadsheets. And what money was stolen? Nobody in Congress was told of this - you weren't in Congress so how could you have known what they didn't about the country's accounts? Last time money was stolen, it was by Chewie (who I believe was in your political party at the time, not in TUP, but I won't swear on a stack of anything as I was just glad to see him gone) and he took it to Ireland, not to anyone here.

You have every opportunity to run for party president. You go to the correct page, click on the button, put up your manifesto and hope someone votes for you. You can't become PP of a party you're not in, though. Maybe you didn't figure that one out either?

--- No, you didn't steal from the eUK when you were CP. That's the only statement you've made with which I can agree.
--- I have no idea who created the multis in your party, but it's clear it wasn't someone from TUP. But it was someone from NE when you and Dapper/V were running it. It happened just before elections. Those votes were removed when the multis were banned - by the moderators, not by any of the players here.
--- YES YOU DID LIE TO ME and to everyone else. Just about every time you write anything.

I play another game where there are a group of people who go around, worm their way into power then destroy all around them. Funny enough, sounds just like what you are trying to do....