Horice for Congress !

Day 909, 14:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Horice G Fossil
Hello i'm Horice and i'm want to take a moment of your
time,if i may,to tell you why you need me in Congress.

I have seven points that will hopefully prove to you the strength's of
my case and in my honest opinion radically change the eUK forever...

1/ Hospitals,

it's a scandal that the eUK has only one Q5 Hospital !

If elected i will put Q5 Hospital into every region,maybe
even two,how can the eUK afford this i hear you ask well
that brings me onto the secound part of my plan.

2/ Military sponsership,

all members of the eUK military will have to get themselves
sponsership to pay for their weapons and moving tickets

Companies will be able to sponser their own Soldier or even
an entire unit,for thier money the company logo will be worn
on the uniform of their soldier or unit,also for a one off payment
the military will change unit names to that of thier sponser.
There is no end to the posibilities the entire eUK military could
be sold to private business,which brings me to my third point.

3/Minimum wage,

i will arrange to have this raised to £50 a day for all workers

Impossible i hear you shout well i say it has never been tried,
it's about time we did it,what's the worst that could happen !

4/ Selling of positions,

Cash for places in the Government,Lords and the Military

to help fund my Hospital and £50 minimum wage i propose
that instead of giving away positions in the Uk for free we
sell them to the highest bidder for a good honest profit,

some examples

Minister - £50 per month
Under Minister £25 per month
Membership to the Lords - a one off payment of £200
Officer in the Military - £30 per month
CO in the Military - £70 per month

The list of jobs and titles we could sell are endless
and at the moment an untaped resource !

5/ Sell Wales,

Wales to go to the highest bidder

My plan is to split Wales into three lots and
sell them again to the highest bidders
If this goes well then next Scotland !

6/ Deal with Dio worshippers

Followers of Dionism will be transported across the border
into the new free state of Wales,free of charge!

I then suggest that we fortify Offa's Dyke and once the border is
sealed we'll send Maddog over,that'll teach then to worship Dio!

7/ Invade Ireland,America,Sweden,Norway and France

With our new Hospitals and the sponsership flooding
in we can finally afford to stick it to the Irish,Americans,
Swedish,Norwegians and French !
This suprise attack,would not be expected,would be a military
master stroke Lord Cardigan himself would be proud of !

This is my manifesto to you the good people of the eUK.

I'm going to lay down now

Horice 😛

Horice is not running for congress he's just being silly 🙂
