Horice can into 1st Armoured Division !

Day 1,347, 02:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Horice G Fossil

Due to the sad demise of 40 Commando myself and several other
Marines found ourselves homeless, luckily we've been welcomed
with open arms into one of the best Military Units in the eUK today.

I have therefore been reborn into the 1st Armoured Division

On my arrival I was met by my new CO;
"Welcome to 1st Armoured Division glad to have you on board !"

My tank training started immediately, the first lesson 'How to drive'.

"I'll admit it's a lot harder than it looks, although I do think it was the CO's,
UK's finest, fault for parking his car in the training area."

"For feck sake Horice I still had six payments to make on that !"

To be honest the second day didn't prove any better on the training front.

"Once again UK's finest seemed somewhat peeved, I'd still swear he said LEFT"

"HORICE ! First my fecking car now one of my fecking tanks !"

After mastering, in my own way, driving I was moved onto the shooting range.

"At first all seemed to be going so well"

"I still don't understand why Finest parked his car so near the firing range ?"

Funnily enough I'd never noticed Finest had a twich until that day
" Waaaa !"

I now realised I may not have gotten off to the best start with my new CO

"To make amends, after taking advice for Dakota, I decided to refurbish his tank"

I'm not sure if Finest was pleased because by this point he was making no sense whatsoever;

So now that I am a fully fledged member of 1st Armoured Division,
I'm ready to deal death and destruction to the eUK's many enemies.

I must have done better than I thought during trianing because the CO has told me:

"Horice you're a fecking menace to society and a danger to anyone who gets in your way !"

Join me and the 1st Armoured Division and lets crush the eUK enemies together!

HoriceApply to our MU HERE !