Highest take home pay 2942, time: 06:00

Day 2,942, 06:16 Published in USA USA by ComputerSpeaker

First and foremost, Join the Black Sheep Party

romania market wage 91.60 take home 87.02

serbia market 91.08 take home 86.52

poland market 88.51 take home 85.85

greece market 89.50 take home 85.02


USA market 93 take home 79.00

If we produce houses in america. We can have 70% more jobs. That would be 70% more taxes from workers! I know this is a long term solution, first we would have to lower taxes a lot so that wages drop enough that building houses is extremely profitable then people will build house factories and hire workers.

What limits house prices? people will not sell houses for a loss for a long time. The wages before taxes times 4.5 then times 1.01 because you have to sell houses on the market. Currently USA has the highest before tax rate. This makes it more profitable to buy houses in serbia and sell then on the american market than to produce houses oneself. This is going to steadily ship our jobs over to serbia as we buy their homes. They will produce all the houses for the world. USA will miss out on a significant part of the economic module!

I do understand the majority of taxes come from WAMing. Therefore ignoring house production, and buying foreign produced houses then increasing taxes on the wammers will result in more tax money.

so currently if you want to make money. you can buy houses in serbia and sell them on the american market for a significant profit with even less investment than building house factories!