Hai. Guess what?

Day 1,507, 16:57 Published in USA Canada by Thomas Arashikage

Hey Chance Harrison here. Once again I'm in eAmuricka. My home, my land.
I've done my civic duty and voted and I've shouted who should be voted into office of POTUS. That being said, I'm running for Party President of the Federalists. I've yet to say anything on the forums as I wasn't sure of my intent to seriously do so or not.

I come to you today to say if you vote for me that's fine. I don't want to do anything crazy. I want to be a steward of sorts for the party. I don't want to create ripples or waves or do anything new. All I want to do is try something new and see where it goes, pass or fail. Well I do have one agenda for the party and if elected you'll find out what that is.

I've already reached the highest office in the game as CP of Ireland. I've been a Congressman 3x in two different countries (eIreland and eCanada). I've been a Commander of the National Army in Ireland and as well as my own MU. Party President is something I've never been. If I'm not elected I'm cool with that. If I am we'll just see what happens.

I'm proud, I'm horny and I'm a Fed.

Do as you will.

Also, this is my next to last article for awhile unless I'm elected as I did not make my goal of MMM by Christmas and New Year's Day has come and gone as well.

Stay tuned! It's gonna be lolzy.