First Strike - Mann's Strike Team

Day 4,937, 20:13 Published in Canada Canada by Mann551

The First Strike occurred on May 27 @ 19:30 erepublik time and I would say it was a great success!

We had 7 eCanadians participate in the strike. We flew for Nigeria against France in Lorraine in a Resistance War there!

Here are some quick stats:

There were a total of 1,178 kills made by Strike Team Members
A total damage of 824,421 was dealt.

660 Q5 air weapons were supplied to the air fighters.

In addition, there was a giveaway held, where 300 Q5 air weapons and 1,500 Q7 weapons were evenly split between three lucky winners.

This means 1,500 Q7 weapons and 960 Q5 air weapons were given out.

Along with this each participant received a reward for participating. 500 cc as a base, plus 7 cc for each set of 5 kills they completed.

The total cost of this strike in terms of supplies and rewards handed out was 860,131 cc.

Thanks to Kippers, Ginoraf3000, Helixer, Ultimate523, Karl004, Mary Chan, and TheMacedon for participating!

Stayed tuned for the next strike. It will be announced in the strike channel on the eCanadian discord, as well as on the national feed and in the congress private message!

Until next time,

Mann Out!