eSAAF Competition Results

Day 2,387, 09:09 Published in South Africa South Africa by Miyagiyoda

The eSAAF Kill competition has run its course and we have nearly doubled our usual total kills. Well done to everyone who participated. It was close going most of the way.

To recap, we determined results on average kills per division. Kills are as fair a measure for competition as we have because of the huge effect of strength on damage. Strength comes with age and resources. Kills come with activity. Averaging kills it by regiment/division ensures the teamwork we expect to get the results we need to be effective.
Alone your damage may be small, but together we turn battles.

Winner per regiment (average kills)
1st: 1,121 kills : Reg 4 Assegai : 500q7
2n😛 687 kills : Reg 2 Recces : 200q7
3r😛 635 kills : Reg 3 Parabats : 100q7
4th: 479 kills : Reg 1 Young Guns : 0q7

Winners per division (total kills)
D1: Thorski: 2,851 kills : 10G
D2: Marmaduke IV: 3,022 kills : 10G
D3: Kaptein Balsak: 1,408 kills : 10G
D4: Whiteheart: 1,700 kills : 10G
(kuckuck recused himself for having a spastic finger).

Well done on your individual achievements and for being fine examples to us all.

About the eSouth African Armed Forces

The eSouth African Armed Forces serve to protect eSouth Africa and her allies from enemy threats targeting both our home and allied territories. The military unit is split by Regiment into Divisions to ensure battle efficiency.


Chief of Staff: Gen. Grimstone
Deputy Chief of Staff: Lt-Gen. Miyagiyoda

Division I (Regiment 1): Col. Saffa Manne
Division II (Regiment 2): Col. Enriche2Ribeiro
Division III (Regiment 3): Col. Rexdeus
Division IV (Regiment 4): Col. Kuckuck

Full Enlistment
So how do you join?
Enlist at for your invitation to the eSAAF MU.

Join the eSAAF

Gain purpose and comrades. Be proudly South African. Make a difference, together.

Battle Orders
Check in-game in the eSAAF-MU feed and Daily Order.

Mass Attacks
0200 daily.

We are in IRC on Rizon at #eSAAF . Shout if you need help accessing IRC.
Mass Attacks are in the in-game chatroom (bottom left floater)

Commune Work
Contact Grimstone so that he can make a job available.
You are also entitled to Commune Work Supplies daily which you request via the supply form.

Supplies are requested daily via our Supply Form. Request ensure activity and allow you to help us with a faster turn-around time.

There are two types of supplies:
1) Commune Work Supply are for working in the eSAAF Commune:
600 Health + 6Q7, or 7Q7, or 70 ZAR
We keep it flexible so that you get exactly what you need daily.

2) Fight Bonus Supply are for the number of fights you do in a day. We give you +1Q7 per 10 fights you do after 60 fights to a maximum of 240 fights. For example:
90 fights = 3Q7
120 fights = 6Q7
180 fights = 12Q7
240 fights = 18Q7
All soldiers in the MU are eligible for this supply regardless of whether you work in the commune. This is us making sure you can be the best that you can be.

You can thus earn up to 25q7 per day.

So how do you join team awesome?
Enlist at for your invitation.

Join the eSAAF
Gain purpose and comrades. Be proudly South African. Make a difference, together.

Make it so.
Lt-Gen. Miyagiyoda
Of some import and ill-repute in the eSAAF and always in the brig, generally.