eRep Radio Day 4570

Day 4,570, 03:56 Published in USA Chile by Wilker Nath

Election day today! Don't forget to vote!

Yesterday's article

To participate:
1: Comment on this article with a song you want me to play

2: top 3 voted comments are guaranteed to have their songs played in tomorrow's article, along with 2 others of my choice

3: the #1 comment each day wins 1000cc!

The winner for today is H U L K! The song is Nirvana - "Something in the Way". I've spent real time trying to figure out if that thing on the album cover was the baby's foot, or another piece of anatomy...

Up next is a suggestion from TheeDude: George Harrison's "All Those Years Ago"

That makes me want to play some OG Beatles. Here's "Penny Lane"

Next up is a suggestion from Martin Reichert, here's "'39" by Queen

And last but not least is a Renaissance Fair band I've had sadly little knowledge of up till now, suggested by Frank Stone, I give you Circa Paleo doing a live performance of "The Gael"

There's so much good stuff I could add, but let's save some for future articles 😛

Have fun guys! And good luck everyone running for congress!
