Election Special: The New Issues

Day 310, 11:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

So, not to get anyone riled up or anything, but since I am getting "cool changes" on Erepublik, I will post it here first.

Friends, citizens, lend me your rears!

In all seriousness, in the eWorld we call home, we're approaching an exciting time. The much anticipated release of V1 is upon us, and not too long after elections take place. There are many unanswered questions as of now, but some new information has been released and has put a surge of energy into Erepublik.

Many of us have been around for a long time. Myself, I have been here since mid-December. I've seen the changes of Erepublik, from controlled market, closed economy to open. Let me be the first to say that some of these changes will completely change certain places in our world. For instance, with the introduction of Raw Materials, Pakistan will no longer be able to operate efficiently in their closed market system. Open trade will be necessary for them to obtain the materials necessary, and the eUK is in the same position.

Other changes, specificially to where materials lie and who borders whom will stimulate cries for war. Professions will emerge through the ever-evolving world we eLive in. There will be people that are more valuable now than ever in the tech world with the introduction of the API systems. Developments of new software and capabilities will change what we can do within Erepublik through the application of outside software. Never before outside of forums has this been possible. Merchants will be able to travel and sell goods to different markets. Countries that don't exist will become a beacon of travel to obtain their goods, and will spur the revolution to once again claim their independence.

So, all I ask, in the most non-party affiliated way I can, is to vote for the person who you think is best equipped to handle that responsibility. There will be choices we make as a country that will effect the UK for months. Think of how long Australia has suffered under the rule of Indonesia. We don't want to make a choice we regret.

Elections are in 7 days. I have yet to see a manifesto, which I hope, personally within the UKRP we can begin working on, and I look forward to seeing one from Widdows and Hassan as well. Both are highly respected for the different types of jobs they've done.

Thanks for your time.

Minister of Trade