eCanadian Hijinx

Day 2,133, 11:07 Published in Canada Canada by Thomas Arashikage

I could be talking completely out of my arse here but I'm pretty sure I'm not. Have I done a boat load of research about what I'm about to say? No, not really? I'm going with sheer gut instinct. If I offend anyone (DMV3)I apologize now.

Quote from a DMV3 CP address.

"Friends, allies, Canadians, I would like to implore you not to fight in New Foundland and Labrador for Canada. Winning that region would violate our NAP with Spain, and it is our intention to keep the NAP with Spain at this time. We are looking forward to helping our allies, but not at the expense of our new found freedom from Spanish occupation."

Did Congress vote for this NAP (Non-Aggression Pact)? If they did, did they consider what the people wanted? I'm going to have to say no. Why? Because myself and a bunch of other active eCanadians have been fighting in the very battle our CP doesn't want us to. I know why I am. Two reasons.

I don't like eSpain and I want to get my next True Patriot medal. My disdain of eSpain comes from my time in eUS. (I'm RL American btw)

Recently eSpain has declared eUS as a Natural Enemy.
eFrance has declared eSpain as a Natural Enemy.
eMexico and ePortugal are currently in the thick of it as well.
eMexico and eFrance are both members of CoT.
How in the world can eCAN stand by while their new allies are battling with eSPAIN? Why would we stand idly by while they hold some of our regions?

I for one believe if you're not with us, you're against us. If you stand for nothing you'll believe anything.

I will fight with every pixel, CC, gold, bazooka, tank and energy bar I have.


Give me Liberty or Death!

Strength and Honor!

