Dish Heart

Day 805, 14:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Horice G Fossil

Self declared King of the UK Jewitt lands on the
coast of Wales along with the EDEN forces...


"The stories were true Sheep as far as the eye can see"

On a hilltop overlooking the invasion beach
Dish and his Generals look on...

"Yanks,Pols,Canadians no Sheep will be safe this day "

Dish heads down to parley with the Invading forces...

"Leave now or face the forces of Phoenix!"

Jewitt and his staff view the battlefield and reply...

"I'm afaid that will be impossible,i have made
certain promises to the EDEN troops"

he pionts to the massed ranks of EDEN soldiers...

"All virgins,unless they score today they'll likely
die that way,so you see i need the sheep"

"Then Dish and his Banhammer shall protect
the virtue of the Welsh ovine population !"

Dish heads back to the UKs lines...

"Prepare to fight !"

The two armies come together and
the struggle for Wales begins...

"For the UK! Phoenix! and the Sheep !"

The battle swings to and throw both
sides gaining then losing ground,but...

finally begins to swing in favour of the EDEN forces,

Minister of Defence Polio gives Dish the bad news...

"we have fought well and bravely but the day is lost"

Dish looks around the battle field and
with a sad heart gives the order...

"Back to London lads we'll live to fight another day"

Jewitt looks on as the UK forces leave the field...

"Mmmm look at the arse on that ewe over there,
to the victors the spoils "

Jewitt dismounts his horse and.....

"Get off my sheep you red neck son a of a bitch !"

Dragged from the field Dish leaves
the sheep to thier fate...

and with Wales in flames he and the forces
of freedom withdraw back to fortress London

You can take our Sheep

but you'll never take our


Horice 🙂

Bro fist Dish

and get your arse to LONDON !

Thanks to Woldy for the idea \o/