Direct Democracy Congress SFP

Day 3,869, 12:12 Published in USA USA by chickensguys

36 people voted in total.

7 people were removed for either not properly linking to an account or no longer being a member of the party.

So 29 votes qualified in total with each player having 5 votes.

When asked if people preferred a google poll to forum voting nearly 62% wanted the google poll with the remaining 38% voting for the forum.

Chickensguys 20
Dominar rygel XVI 12
Kavman 11
StrideR83 11
Shiloh13 9
King James88 9
Robert Guajardo 8
Hoss1965 7
GonzoVeritas 4
Bugbox 3
Eirhnaios 3
Hulk 3
Dilvany tha goddess 3
Patrilum 3
Komeko 2
Protecteur 2

Disqualified People in this category no longer qualify because they either left the party or renounced their intention to seek the office.

Iamsmok 5
Franklin Stone 10
Artela 5
Maxwell Hans 7
Jude Connors 8


After reviewing the results, it is now my job to balance the vote against the activities levels of the players and the interests of any t6 parties or others, who were not fortunate enough to run for Congress because of the wipe. eUSA is in dire straits, we need leaders in Congress, people who want to make the game better. I have heard the people of the party, Shadow Congress will be announced soon.