Democratic Acres. WTP IS #1.

Day 4,086, 00:10 Published in USA USA by chickensguys
WE THE PEOPLE is the place to be,

Democratic living is the life for me,

A party, spreading out so far and wide,

Keep that 2nd SLOT, and GIVE US #1


We did it, folks, We The People is now the greatest #1 party in the United States of America. The naysayers said we couldn't do it, they said we would fail. But against all odds, the WTP, a party from humble beginnings, has eclipsed the dirty Federalists. We are #1.

The WTP is a different sort of party. We stood against the tide of elitism and opened the doors to new members. We built a community, and when the rest of the world says they are the elite, know this.

We are the super elite. We have the biggest party. We have the best people. We have the most money. We have the best MU. We have the most generous and handsome players. We are the best lovers of freedom. We are the best. We are unstoppable, we are the Super Elites. We also have the biggest boats.

Thank you for being a member.
