Dear citizens of eJapan! - Letter from Kindermeglepi! (Hun)

Day 1,334, 02:01 Published in Japan Japan by Geezus

Dear citizens of eJapan,

Recently, I read your media day by day, and it's verry sad to see articles which are about the eHungarian attack, and eJapan destruction. So I decided to translate a piece of the eHungarian's military newspaper.

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From: "Japán csaták és RW-k: Kyushut egyelőre megtartjuk..."
To: "- Bármely más japán régióban indított RW - Japán (piros) oldal"

Japanese battles and RW-s: We keep Kyushu for now, but we will give back anything else.

We do not intend wipe off Japan from the map. The japanese people offered their aid after China freed Kyushu with huge tanking. With this the Chinese offensive could have delayed for weeks.

Japan gave in a NE against us, so we could move on fastly. We promised that we won't delete them, and after the action we give back everything.

President Kushu just attacked Kyushu, which was freed by an RW organised by EDEN. We will get it back from Japan. From now Kyushu will be on Hungarian's hand until China's fall. So this means you have to fight for the Hungarian side in the Kyushu RW-s, and if it gets attacked, we have to protect it!
In every other battle where are japan the opponent, be a RW or a normal battle, we will not fight against eJapan!

So fight as it is written:
- Battle against Japan for Kyushu - Hungarian side
- Battle against Japan any other Japanese region - Japanese side
- RW in Kyushu - hungarian (green) side
- RW in any other Japanese region - Japanese (red) side

So I don't assume you have to afraid, or have bad feelings bout the Huns here.


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