Days 37, 38, 39 - Serbia Rolls, Hungary takes MORE Losses, Russia Rallies!

Day 1,346, 11:24 Published in USA USA by Israel Stevens
Days 37, 38, 39

North America

Hungary continues to take staggering losses. They claim that they are returning regions to America, but if that is the case, then one must wonder why some of the battles have been highly contested. Either way, a win is a win. And the United States continues to liberate states. Texas is the only remaining Hungarian state. Although it would of been nice to use Hungary as a shield in Oklahoma and Texas against the Serbian invasion, this idea was lost when Oklahoma was liberated. Regardless, America is one step away from a Hungary-less North America.
In the war with Spain, initiative was lost by the United States, as they lost their attack on Spanish held Virginia. The silver lining, is that Washington DC was liberated by the United States. Spain has countered with an attack on Illinois, and the battle is being highly contested, with the score holding in a 3-3 tie.
There has been no progress against Poland, but, there has not been any attempts at liberating the Northeast. Poland has proven almost impossible to beat, as France, Germany, Canada, China and the United States have all tried to liberate their regions.
And then there is the Serbian Invasion. The Serbs made landfall in California, and have proceeded to make a bee line towards Texas. Arizona has fallen, and it is not looking good in New Mexico. The idea of a Serbian controlled Texas is mostly for the lulz more than anything. After they conquer Texas, it will be interesting to see where they head to next.
Canada has also not liberated anymore of their regions since ejecting the United Kingdom from North America. However, they have also not put much effort into it either.

The United States of America

South America
The war for South America, continues between Spain and Argentina. It seems as if neither side can put together any real momentum against the other, and they both seem to be kind of going in circles.
South Africa has also been wiped from the map by Indonesia. This gives Indonesia a border with Brazil. With Spain occupied with Argentina, and Brazil sitting untouched, an Indonesian attack could happen.

Russia has made a comeback against Lithuania, and has even taken the fight to the Lithuanian held region of Nord-Norge. This region is a Norwegian natural one, but has been under the control of Lithuania. This is promising news for TERRA, as a liberated Russia can still deal quite a bit of damage for the alliance.
France has also returned to the map, with a win in Aquitaine, against (surprisingly) Poland. They have also liberated two regions in the South of France that had previously been held by Hungary. This is the second time in the past week that they have liberated Aquitaine, and is a sign that perhaps the French Resistance is growing.

The clusterfuck that is traditionally Europe

Croatia’s attack into Slovakia has come up short, as they lost initiative, and have ultimately been pushed out of Slovakia, and back into Austria. They still share the border with Slovakia, so it is still technically possible that they continue this war, but at the moment, it seems finished. It will be interesting to see where Croatia puts it’s damage next.

This region has quieted down considerably, with the annexing of China. They still have a few liberated regions, and are still using the Hungarians as a meat shield (and honestly, at this point, who isn’t?) against Serbia and Poland. No change in that front.
Indonesia has made the Philippines their natural enemy, and will likely go for the wipe of that nation. Where they go from there, is anyone’s guess. Prehaps into Brazil, although it will also likely be predicated on where the rest of ONE goes to.

Overall Analysis
Poland is a beast. And they aren’t going anywhere. The only way that they will take losses, is likely for a coordinated effort by the allies, involving resistance wars in as many Polish regions as they can muster. With the focus on just a few, key territories (bottlenecks), TERRA and EDEN may be able to deal a blow to the Polish economy, and get the ball rolling on liberating more regions. Until then however, Poland will continue to stand with Serbia as the world’s Super Powers.

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