Constitution Day

Day 1,016, 01:02 Published in Japan Japan by Sophia Forrester

One year ago to this day, eJapan adopted our Imperial Constitution. Once vague traditions were brought into sharp focus, all by a few strokes of a pen. And our nation rallied to the side of our first true Emperor, the figurehead of our national culture who still guides us to this day.

Today, not all of that clarity remains. Many of our newer citizens may not have known that we have a constitution. Others knew, but find it irrelevant. What use, after all, are empty words a year past?

Yet there is a higher road than such dismissiveness. Our constitution brought us together originally because all citizens were given a voice in its drafting. Citizens of diverse views found common ground, and this grounded our national character. Today, even if some of this ground has been left behind, other good land lies yet undiscovered.

I ask all citizens to join in the discussion in the eJapan forums, on reforming our Imperial Constitution. We have an opportunity to once again involve all of us in the weaving of the fabric that is our nation. All eJapanese are needed and welcome in this task. Please join the forum discussion at . (If you have not yet signed up for the eJapan forums, please register and then sign in at .)

May the Emperor continue to reign, ten thousand years.