Conservative Party of Canada

Day 2,236, 22:01 Published in Canada Ukraine by piggy sev

Coming to eCanada I found that many political parties lacked a clear plan and a clear ideology. The closest that I found that matched my ideology was the MDP 🙂. Hence I decided to build a new political party.

The Conservative Party of eCanada

The Conservative Party of eCanada is a political force based on conservative values, right-winged ideology, professionalism, rationalism and constructiveness. CPC strives to provide a clear plan of action and constructive ideas from which eCanada can expand its political, economical and military capabilities and build a sustainable future.

Main Goals:

- Create a central HQ with all the commanders of all major military units
- Dissolve the smaller units into the bigger MUs and create the United Canadian Armed Forces
- Create economic incentives for commanders of MUs that belong to the United Canadian Armed Forces
- Restructure Canadian MUs with the cooperation of their commanders to know exactly how many fighters we have and set up strategic coordination
- Set up a Military Training Academy
- Set up a direct succession program between the United Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Academy
- Restart financing all MUs belonging to the United Armed Forces of Canada and ensure that they have proper supplying for their fighters.

New Citizens
- Set up a team of mentors who would reach out to new citizens
- Provide new citizens with incentives for joining the Military Academies
- Create a video tutorial for eRepublik

Legislative Branch
- Set up a system of committees and sub-committees within Congress (Finance and Budget Committee,Foreign Policy Committee, Education and Demography Committee, Military Committee, Rules Committee)
- All committees can make suggestions and recommendations to the Finance and Budget Committee as to what kind of funds will be needed for their programs
- The speaker of the Congress will assign Committee heads
- Committees will prepare bills (with the logic behind them and different arguments if requested by members of Congress) for a general vote
- Sub-committees will work on bills which will be passed on to the higher committee which will further report the bill or destroy it

Executive Branch
- Set up President's Budget - money that he/she can spend to realize his agenda and presidential programs

- Use strategies and ideas that are developed by the Congressional Finance and Budget Committee to bring in extra capital to finance government programs
- Develop a program for subsidized loans for company upgrades and training centers' upgrades in order to increase Canada's GDP and players' strength values

- Develop a program of referendums. Debatable questions are going to be put to the Canadian public's opinion and be voted upon. If the majority of voters support it, the CPC is going to introduce the bill in Congress. (These can be conducted using google forms)

- Set up an Informational Bureau which will create weekly reports on what is going on in the country and the government
- Create a national radio station

Foreign Policy
- Build a strong relationship with Ireland, Asgard and Switzerland
- Delve into mutual projects that can benefit all countries, such as developing tutorials and guides

The first programs that will have the most focus on are the Military and New Citizens programs. Currently we lack the amount of active people to realize all of the given programs. Afterwards Congressional reforms will follow to make the government more efficient. Lastly the economic and executive reforms shall follow....

If anybody is interested in joining such a party, please contact me so that we can set up a team.