Congratulations Artela-POTUS

Day 1,629, 14:16 Published in USA Canada by Thomas Arashikage

Kudos to you for winning the elections. I'm sure with all the election stuff out of the way you can perhaps turn your attention to things more important. Perhaps like building your character back up because as of now it's shite to me.

Click the link below to see what it is I'm blathering about.

44:50 in....
For those who wish to grasp the context of the conversation I suggest starting a minute or so sooner.

This is the 2nd episode of eNPR where I or my MU is brought up and no one invited me to call in or chat to contradict what was said.

Artela, you can say all you want about me and my fighting for medals on the Hungarian side a couple weeks ago. You can call me names if you so choose. I don't care. But what I won't stand for is you raking my MU (no matter how small) in the mud. I don't know if it was an error in judgement or it was a personal attack.

Simply put, I will accept nothing less than an immediate public apology. You've had over 96 hours to do so. You've said NOTHING. You did however have the genius to spam my inbox with a plea for me to vote for you via mass mail in Turkish. Seriously?

I don't know why the eUS public voted for you again. Perhaps it's for stability. Perhaps it's turning a blind eye. I'm a vocal person and I call out things/people when I see them as I expect others to do to me. Granted a person should have facts before they do so and it's a fact and in your own voice that you clearly dishonored my MUs name with an inaccurate statement.

I expect more from a God of War and certainly more from the POTUS elected by the people.
My MU has NEVER fought against the eUS and to say so is ludicrous and false.

You're still on the clock.