Congrats Nogin, Godess of War

Day 1,769, 08:09 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

Why do we keep playing this silly game? That is a question many of us who have been playing a while ask ourselves. The answer is simple; the eFriends we have made and our community. Today one of our best eFriends has achieved a great milestone.

Nogin the Nog is now a goddess of war!!!

To celebrate her achievement Ireland's Sunday night strike is being dedicated to this former Irish President. Please come and join us on day 1769 at 13:00 eTime. Christina has a RL family member in the hospitial and might not be able to make it.

A few of her many eFriends have posted some comments about her below to show how much we appreciate and care for her:

Nogin, you are always ready and willing to offer help when it is needed and I, for one, truly appreciate that. You are a bright spot in this sometimes tired little game; a true asset to eRepublik. Congratulations on Goddess of War, a well-deserved title for sure!

But Nogin has been one of the nicest people I have ever met, nothing is too much for her, she will lose money out of her own pocket so that I am not losing too much money in wages. She is always forgiven me even when I made a very stupid mistake a few months ago which I will not go into. She help me resolved it and not one thing is too much for her. So the best of luck Nogin and Congrats on Goddess of War!

I first met Nogin when I joined the Irish Boot Camp as supply chain officer. Anyone who has ever done this job will know what a complete pain in the arse it is. With hungry recruits needing feeding I cast around the usual suspects looking for free food and weapons.

One of the contact points was Nogin. Now Nogin is one of the most helpful people you could meet in eRepublik, but she also doesn't have any patience for time-wasters and bullshitters, so without a by-your-leave she had started to organise a whole new transport arrangement whilst giving everyone previously involved a bollicking. I learnt more about supply chain delivery systems in 24 hours from her than I would have learnt in 24 months on my own.

She is a genuine eRepublik friend, loyal and steadfast and a credit to herself and anyone she represents.

I congratulate her on reaching this achievement, possible the most important in the game.

I remember, three and a half years ago, trying to find someone who knew what the hell they were doing in this game when it came to running a business. After all, that's the part of the game that seemed fun to me. So I consider myself damn lucky to have ended up in the employ of one Nogin the Nog. I didn't know what a Nog was, and was a little afraid to ask, but she took me in and taught me the ways of the world....(Hubba! Hubba!...My own eWorld "older woman"! Teehehehehe)

Now look at me..........near broke, business ruined...begging for alms in the street....oh wait! That was the admins' fault! Right, sorry Noggie! The truth is of course that between us we grew big businesses and had big spreadsheets and trampled the competition! And today, who am I working for again? You betcha...our one and only, our newest Goddess, or as I will now refer to her as, our Hottess of War, Ms Nogin!

Someday I'm going to meet Nogin and when I do she's going to get a big, fat, slobbery smooch on her cute little cheek! Now if that's not a good reason to keep playing this silly game, I don't know what is! Congrats Dear!

John Gormley
Christina is one of the kindest, most generous people I've met in this game - not to mention one of the most intelligent.
She is an extremely assertive and professional person, but it seems to me that friendship is still her number one priority. That is why she gets on so well with most people.

This is a tremendous achievement for her and I hope she enjoys it because she deserves it.

Well done Nog!

Congratulations Xtina on GoW, now get ur ass home to eIreland 😛

congratz on becoming our Goddess of War,Nogin.
One of the nicest people around,always friendly and willing to help a friend. You helped me out a lot in TCO and always supported me in my time there. Thanks and once again congratz

I have known Nogin since early V1 but only the last year or so have I known her as I would describe well.
she is honest and hardworking but you can always sense that she's ready to pull the carpet from under you at any moment if you mess with her.
Congrats on GoW! 😃

All the best,

I would consider Nogin the most interesting person I have met playing this game. She is eRich, smart, and always willing to help out others. She is good looking and drives a Ferrari in RL, that is reason enough to love the girl, lol. But the best trait I like about her is she tells her friends when they are wrong. She is not a yes person, agreeing with what the crowd thinks, and she always supports her party. Nogin is the kind of person that knowing her makes you better. I would like to thank her for that and wish her congratulations.

Nogin is my closest friend in this game. We were eBorn 3 days apart (I'm the old one) and at one point or another we have worked together in every aspect of the game; political parties, business partnerships, government cabinets and military units. We have also been through some RL personal stuff together. She has always been a trusted ear and a supportive shoulder that I know I can get a straight opinion from.

For a few months last year I quit the game and Nogin is a big part of why I came back. I was happy to see that she had continued her skillful game playing and had catapulted her strength and xp way ahead of my own. I pride myself on perseverance but there's no way I could ever match hers. She has travelled all over the English-speaking world for business but always seems to make time for this silly game. I know that her friends mean as much to her as she does to us.

Congratulations Christina, you've earned it.

The Luckiest players in eRep, Your Friends

ps. We miss you! Please come back to Ireland if you can 🙂