Comeback of the Iron Chancellor

Day 903, 00:45 Published in Singapore Finland by Erius

[My apologies to my Finnish readers - this article is written only in English]

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Greetings, citizens of eSingapore!

It`s so good to be back here. Over five months ago I left this sacred land and moved back to my northern homeland – eFinland. Then, because of lack of motivation and burn out, I decided to quit and stayed away from this game three months. Three months is a long time without Erepublik and soon I came back – couldn`t live without it! I served eFinland as a Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Recruiting and Representative of Ambassadors and I also helped my former party, Punainen Yhteisrintama (old name of the party was Red Jihad), with propaganda and recruiting (I also served them as a party president). But I`m back!

Any plans?

I don`t have any (for now). Many people have asked if I would`ve some plans for Singapore, but unfortunately I don`t have any. I moved back to enjoy your company and to help you (if I just can). There is nothing special plans, but to create another active party to our country (you can read about it from below).

I`ve been granted with honor to serve Singapore as a Minister of Internal Security. This office is pretty new for me (I`ve never watched how my predecessors have succeed in their job) so I cannot promise that I will be the best minister ever. All I can do is to try to my best – and promise that I will not disappoint you.

I will try to get into Sings politics before I will make my come back to Sol. I`ve not followed the forums and it seems that there has been happened many changes and I`m sure that there will be many new things which I have to learn before I can understand the current situation of our alliance. So first I will focus on Singapore and after that Sol.

Because I`m pretty busy IRL I`m not able to idle on IRC all the time. It`s also pretty difficult to keep in touch with other citizens because I live IRL in different time zone than most people in Sing. Still I try to be as active as it is possible and if you cannot catch me from IRC, try PM me in game or in forums.

Enarchist Party of Singapore

When I came back to Singapore I joined my former party, Tewionist Party of Singapore. We, the White Lion Order, founded it many months ago and I thought it would be a good idea to join it. Soon the former party president left the party and because I had the highest exp value I became the president.

As I watched the TPS`s profile and started to think, what should I do with it, only one though was over others – I would change the name and ideology. Why? Because White Lion Order was not with me in this journey – my journey back to Singapore was my personal crusade. WLO has not organized any crusades for ages and it would be wrong to use the name of the whole organization and eReligion of so many to one man`s purposes. And so I decided to create something new.

The Enarchist Party of Singapore is a party of philosophers and freethinkers. The name of the party comes from my own eLifes philosophy, enarchism – I will translate some of my philosophical articles from finnish to English and publish them into Sings media when I have enough time for it, so that you can find out what enarchism is.
We do not ask any special view of eLife from our members and our party has only couple true goals, which are;

1) Fun. We are not too serious with this party thing and all we want to is to have fun. The more players we`ll gain the more fun we will have (many nice guys = a good small community inside our bigger one [eSingapore]).

2) Reforming of our military. This is the only true thing we are after. Singapore has always had two different units; Torchwood and Homeguard. The Torchwood has always been really inactive and only couple it`s members use forums and IRC. Homeguard has had the weaker soldiers of our eNation while Torchwood had the stronger ones – still most Homeguards members were active than Torchwoods. Torchwood has been used as a mobile unit, but we do not think it is a good for it if it`s members are not able to deploy in 24h (and they cannot – as former CP I have seen it).

When V2 will come the battles are more than just five clicks in one page – and one to heal your wounds after it. When V2 will come the strategy and experience will come into picture. If our mobile troops are as active as they are now, how they effective they will be on the In real time battle when V2 comes?

No. We need active mobile unit which can deploy at least in 10 hours. It doesn`t matter much if they`re not FMs or if their strength is not 30 – but they have to be active! But what are our plans in this? I will write later about them in one article.

3) Challenge other parties. Singapore has had two party system since the early days of our community. SRP has been the biggest one for ages and with it there has been eather NGP or BP in charge. The meaning of our party is to create another party with active membership so that there can be a true competition between different parties. But ofc we will not forget that this is just a game 😉

I will try to write more about EPS in this week, but I cannot promise anything. The more active members we get, the more we can do – it is really hard to do everything alone (we should create forums, partys own org and news paper, a true manifesto etc.) 😛

So come and join us! Enarchy is order!

