Changes and elections

Day 2,607, 10:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Aleksandar.V Popovic


First of all want inform all reader that in this New Year 2015 that will be some changes and that this newspaper will change visual indentity and new name:
The secondly that we here will talk about elections.Yep that"s right 🙂.Surprise,surprise 😃.After the ending of holidays(Christmas,New Year,we will countinue to write about everything that happens here in eUK.So let"s get to work,shall we 😛.
Party Presidential elections are coming a few days ahead and all Parties in eUK will have own candidates:
UKPP-BaronChris,Panonian nomamad,etc
WRP-Aaron,Huey,Il Padrino
PCP-Kieran,Ayame Crocodile etc

This is just a few of them who will be some kind of favourites on PP elections for winning the elections.All of them will and are trying to pursuade their members that they are just perfect for running a Party which they are candidates.Each and every of them will in the same time to encourage other eUKers,especially youngsters to join their party.Each and everyone of them will offer them help with everything they could,with better communications,presenting them programs which conteins food,weaps or something else from various MU-s which some PP-s are Commanders,2nd in command,etc and that all are reasonable and alright,to develop relations with other parties with similar political orientation.

After PP elections which results we will know afterwards,we will inform all readers,and also will make analysis of those elections.Also the Publishing Board of this newspapers will also release articles and analysis of the Congressional elections which will be on 25.01.2015

Till the next seeing,your director and editor
Aleksandar-Alex V.Popovic