CHANCE4POTUS aka Chance is sexy

Day 1,729, 17:06 Published in USA Canada by Thomas Arashikage

Greetings fellow eAmericans,

Some of y'all might know this, and some of y'all don't.
Some of y'all might be with this, and some of y'all won't.
But listen, let me clear my throat....

I come to you today with intentions on being the next POTUS of the eUS.
I've finally found the time to do the job and you finally have a CHANCE!

Firstly what do I bring to the table?

I've been a CP in eIreland, MoD of eIreland 2x, Congressman 2x in eIreland, once in eCan and once here in the good ole' eUS of A. I've been an IES agent and I'm currently serving as eUS Ambassador to eFinland.

I've been a member of all the main parties and some of the smaller ones as well. The parties I've been affiliated with would be the Federalists, USWP, AMP, iNCi, BoL and Blood Bretheren as well as some parties in eIreland and eCan.

Why do I jump from party to party? Well, I could give you a long drawn out history but I won't. I'll simply state that I like to try new things as well as at times I don't agree with the party I'm affiliated with so I distance myself from them.

So there's that.

My agenda: To bring the eUS back to prosperity and bring us back from the brink of laughable disgrace.

We battled eCan for what reason? Greed? Bullying? Our "hat" is not something I take lightly. I did not fight against eCanada unless it was a region that needed losing for their sake. Traitorous? Hardly.... eCan has always been a loyal ally and to join sides with ePoland and eSpain and turn our backs on them was unthinkable. I have many friends in eCan not only when I eLived there but from my dealings whilst I was in eIreland.

I'm not an elitist by any means. That being said I won't bash Evry or even Glove our current sitting President. What I will do is offer you an opportunity to right the wrong. I'm in the military in RL and think of it as a strong suit of mine. Am I a guru in this game militarily? Not really. I will advise my Secretary of Defense and also take his/her advisement as well on all decisions as far as button pushing goes. I won't go after the weaklings like eMexico or bros like eCanada. I will go after bigger fish and the new Airstrike option will help that. Months ago as an eCongressman I proposed eMacedonia "FYROM" as a NE. We need a war like that. We need to test our might and help our allies in eEurope. eGreece has always helped us and many of our citizens are eGreek and RL Greek.

Back to ePoland and eSpain. If elected I will NOT renew the MPP with eSpain or seek one with ePoland. I'd rather be raked over hot coals then align with either of them. To be honest I do have Polish heritage in my family in RL but ePoland does not resemble anything to RL Poland. Sure there's some good guys there like POW but the rest want nothing more than total domination over evryONE and I won't stand for it.

As far as economics got I will look to my advisory committee to best suit our eNation.

I know many people across the eWorld so I won't embarrass you diplomatically. I won't be swayed by enemy nations and I will always have our countries best interests at heart.

My term(s) in office will be transparent and I or my Press Director will publish articles at the end of every week to keep everyone aware of what is going on with our eNation.

At the time of this article being published my Cabinet is being assembled. If you wish to be apart of something new (I'm not in with the "cool" kids] and liberating feel free to sign up for a position with my team. In the coming days I will announce my Cabinet. So be on the look out for it.

All of my goals in this game have been completed but one.

Help me and I shall do my best to represent you as the 40th President of the eUnited States.

These colors don't run!