Canadian Military Academy

Day 2,238, 20:40 Published in Canada Ukraine by piggy sev

Thankfully, my yesterday's article deemed very constructive and its content found important by our government. Our current Minister of Defense has fully sponsored the creation of this new MU!

Now we need a body of activists and MU officers who will help out with the Military Academy's full functioning. Please contact me if you are interested!

We need designers and people who can come up with the Academy's uniforms! Something basic for the start is completely acceptable. Later on, this can be altered.

Four Main positions within the Academy:
Commander of the MU (Kozak Bohun) - Coordinate all actions and communicate with the government

Financial Officer (Code-Y) - Financial management and reporting

External Officer (Nicholas Gagan) - Recruiting new citizens to join the MU
- New citizens can be found on Use the appropriate Age and CS filters.
- Message to be sent out: Hello and welcome new Canadian! Our country is currently facing big demographic problems, hence every citizen is important! As a new citizen, we would like to invite you to the Canadian Military Academy. It is a government Military Unit which specializes in training and helping new citizens. There you will receive material aid packages and informational help.
Please follow the link and click join. Once you are there, our officers will contact you regarding the aid package!

Internal Officer (Prinz von Panzer) - Delivering Aid Packages to new fighters who have put on the MU's uniform and reporting on it.

Regiment Captain (DarkenHart) - Making sure that the young fighter is wearing a uniform. or

- Message to be sent out: Hello and welcome in the Canadian Military Academy. Here you will receive material aid packages and all of your questions can be answered by me. Don't hesitate to ask me anything! Before we send you an aid package consisting of food and weapons, please put on this uniform by changing your profile image. Once that is done, we will send you your reward! or

- After the donation was given out, continue the conversation with the player. Great! You did a good job! If you have any questions, please message me or any of the officers! We will be glad to help. The game features many elements, including military, economic, political and social. Do you have a particular interest in a specific field?

As of now, we are accepting donations to sponsor the MU in any way. It could be weaponry, food, money or gold.

Academy's Donations:
Klop123 - 400 q5 Food (4,000 Energy)
Anonymous Donor - 2000 Q3 Food (12,000 Energy)
Anonymous Donor - 300 q3 Weapons
Foxfire - 100 Q5 Weapons & 100 Q7 Weapons (Q7 Converted to 2,100 CAD)
Kozak Bohun - 2 gold (Used for MU name change)
Umbra Bellator - 750 Q3 Weapons & 4000 Q3 food (24,000 Energy)
Lordjas - 1000 CAD

HydroDoja - 10 q5 tanks and 1000 Energy
CSharpe90 - 10 q5 tanks and 1000 Energy
Selior56 - 10 q5 tanks and 1000 Energy
DarkenHart - 10 q5 tanks and 1000 Energy
No Hope Left - 20 q3 tanks and 1000 Energy
Kagore - 20 q3 tanks and 1000 Energy
Selior56 - 10 q5 tanks and 1000 Energy
rox192 - 20 q3 tanks and 1000 Energy