Can you buy HONOR?

Day 1,555, 07:45 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by L30n4rdo

You almost bought the campaign of Sinai, can you also buy some honor?

Savonrepus was elected as congress member from Inci and Cypriots the previous month in eCyprus. Not only didn't he completed his term (he left without infroming anyone) but he also rejected to give the 5 golds from the medal to country accounts as most congress members do. Moreover he is one of the first members of Inci International who received big amount of supplies with Cyprus's expenses and thats how he repays all this.

Conclusion is yours 🙂

I am also very happy for the 1st Battle Hero of kkaaare and i dedicate his BH to Savon

thanks to the PANPAS who fought with us side by side, like in the past - like always

cCc expect us cCc