Bazooka Boosters

Day 2,331, 03:22 Published in Israel Israel by CreepyRazor

Going through my inventory today I noticed that I have a crapload of Bazookas and Bazooka boosters which I cant really use. eRepublik in it's wisdom have decreed that we cannot donate them to weaker players that could use them.

Now, I'm not one of the strongest players around by quite a margin, but lets look at my current stats according to egov:

Hit with a bazooka : 10 000
Barehand Q0 hit : 20 469

Hit with a Booster : 50 000
Hit with a Q7 weapon : 61 407

It's obvious that using either is as useless to me as a razor is to porcupine.Ideally erep should either upgrade their damage potential or change it so that we could donate them to new players that could really use them. I can think of quite a few that I would donate mine to.

I guess until then all I can do is burn them off when they annoy me too much or when the odd mission comes along

Till later

- K