Battle at Malaysia Peninsular

Day 739, 14:21 Published in Singapore Finland by Erius

Greetings, my fellow citizens

Yesterday (Erep day 73😎 the last shots were fired and silence fall over battlefields in Malaysia. Indonesian troops triumphed in the blood covered streets of Malaysia Peninsular while brave men of Sol watched bitterly how Indonesias flag flew over the highest building of Malaysia Peninsular. But how this all happened – what happened during that epic battle in Malaysia Peninsular?

The eWorld was burning yesterday when Serbia, Russia, Turkey, Hungary and many other ex-PEACE nations attacked against EDEN countries like Finland and Croatia. There were battles all over the eWorld and EDEN forces tried bravely stand against their old foes. Many EDEN countries had MPPs with Malaysia and they were the true reason why Indonesia couldn`t conquer Malaysias regions. Now, when EDENs forces were in Croatia Indonesia had a change to attack – Sabah was the first Malaysian region which got under attack. After Sabah Indonesia attacked Malaysia Peninsular and then to Sarawak and so every Malaysian region was under attack – the indepence of Malaysia was threatened.

Malaysian goverment ordered their citizens to fight in Malaysia Peninsular, which was capital of Malaysia and which also contained Q5 hospital and high oil. Because EDEN and many other countries, which have MPPs with Malaysia, were fighting somewhere else it was other Sol nations who defended Malaysia. Sol leaders ordered every single soldier and all mobile troops to Malaysia Peninsular and we started to organize defence of MP.

Indonesias troops rushed over the No Man`s Land and crushed fast our first defense lines in border area. The landing of Indonesian troops was well organized and it was just now when Malesian militia joined the fight. Normal citizens, who had used all their gold and money to weapons, took their place in quickly constructed bunkers and trench with only one thing in their mind - to defend their country, what ever it cost.

Foreign reinforcements arrived soon and they joined the battle in order to aid their Malaysian friends. Indonesian forces succeed to move forward towards the inland despite our resistance. After many long hours the battle was moved away from shore and now Indonesian and Sol forces struggled in suburbia – Indonesians rejoiced because they could now see the administration center. The closer Indo forces progressed, the harder Malaysians fought. In the early hours of the battle there was only couple platoons of foreign reinforcements but now more and more foreign soldiers joined battle. Together they succeed to stop the tide and the Indonesian forces were forced into trench warfare – atleast for a while.

When the battle had raged over more than half of the day it was obvious that the battle would become very hard for both sides. Many normal citizens burned their every last gold in order to raise wall atleast a little bit. Indonesians march forward and soon fall back when united forces of Sol nations forced them to go back to their trench`s and bunkers. The normal militia of Indonesia was not bale to break our defense lines, but it was now when Indonesians brought some smaller tanks to the battlefield.

Our defense lines in suburbia collapsed in front of Indo tanks and the battle moved to city. Streets were soon covered by blood when Malaysians, Singaporeans, Filipinos, Australians and many other nationalities fought with Indonesians and their allies. No one really knew who was closer victory untill the battle raged in administration centre.

Then it was Sol`s turn to rejoice – France gave some back up and Indos were forced to move back to City. Our forces shouted their battle cry and hailed Sol when they rushed towards Indonesian troops with their friends from France.

When the last hours of battle had started Indonesia had succeed to push our forces back to administration centre. Barricades were build, guns were brought to our soldiers and we prepared to make our last stand there. It seemed that we didn`t have any change to win, but we all decided to make Indonesia pay a high cost if they want to take MP.

Then it started. Indonesia sent it`s tanks towards our barricades. With a mighty roar those metal beasts, who had crushed defense of WSR and many other regions, hit our battlelines. We were forced to step back but we didn`t give up. Even when Indonesians were raising their flag to the highest building of city we fought bravely and forced Indo to retreat again for a while.

When the last`s minutes of battle started we consentrated our power in one all-in attack. We unleashed our own tanks and with InfernoSD as a spearhead they rushed towards the Indonesias forces. Smoke, iron and fire made air thick and roars of Indo and Sol tanks caused panic in both side. The battlefield was soon in chaos but still our forces pushed forward – soon we gained a footstep in citys streets. Indos didn`t give up and they throw more and more tanks towards battle and armed them with the best weapons they could find.

Sol leaders ordered their troops to use all their gold and weapons and many smaller tanks throw themself into battle in attempt to make it easier for stronger tanks to fight their way clear towards city. Every soldier destroyed their wellness and we succeed to keep Indo in the border of administration centre. Unfortunatelly it was clear that it was not Indonesia who has to quit because lack of gold. Soon our inventories were empty and our tanks had destroyed their wellness and used all their guns in their last fights. And so the result was clear – Indo tanks beated us.

Dark clouds gathered while Sol troops fled to Sarawaks strong bunkers. No one smiled and no one even dared to ask what we should do next. We could only watch when Indo forces, who where attacking Sarawak, triumphed when they heard that their brothers had conquered Malaysia Peninsular. It was a dark day, but after Indo forces started to move towards our defenselines in Sarawak everyone knew what we have to do. There was no escape from this and we all could hear words from our friends and commanders lips; ”Malaysia wont fall!”

We lost in Malaysia Peninsular, but atleast we proved that we can stick together and fight together. When I watched how our tanks pushed the wall back to city I was proud – proud to be citizen of Sol. We forced Indo to pay very high price from our heads and they didn`t succeed to end their mission – to wipe Malaysia out from the map. We, brave men of Sol, fought without help of EDEN and we succeed to keep Sarawak and cause much trouble to Indonesia at Malaysia Peninsular – we can be (and we are) proud for all that! Yesterday was not end of Malaysia! Yesterday was not end of Sol! Yesterday we fought bravely and died with our boots on! This is not end yet!

The dawn is coming!

~Erius, Chancellor of Singapore and proud citizen of Sol

Thanks to everyone who fight in Malaysia Peninsular and congratulations to Indonesia - this truly was epic fight!