Artaxerxes Pavonis for IFP

Day 539, 18:00 Published in Ireland Ireland by Artaxerxes Pavonis

Yes, I know. I have a long name, but most people call me Art.

And I hereby announce my candidacy for Party President of the Irish Freedom Party (IFP). For too long I have sat by, waiting for leadership to take hold of this party, and for too long, nothing has been done about it. The inactivity of the IFP leadership has taken its toll on this party. Then I realize, that I can make a difference. That I can undo the downturn that has plagued the IFP these last few months. And to do so is to declare what the Irish Freedom Party stands, and that is, in its most basic form: To uphold basic human rights, to make sure everyone in eIreland has a good standard of living, and is able to preserve themselves without the need of government handouts.

And to do that, we need a New Citizens' Message that is flexible to the current events of Ireland. Nobody like anything that is out of date. We need to address to the new citizens that the State Companies aren't a career but a training program. That once they reach skill level 3, that they need to go find private sector jobs. I've looked at them, and they pay twice the amount the State Companies do.

The IFP stands for the best possible relations to our neighbors, while keeping our neutrality well known among them. Our neutrality is what makes us Ireland. And although we are neutral, we will not stand by and watch as our neighbors get conquered by whomever it may be.

Although the IFP may not have the same ideals as our fellow countrymen and women, we acknowledge their rights and freedoms to do so, and support them in doing so.

Now, the IFP already has 3, maybe 4 candidates if Snake decides to run. And with 43 members, those votes will be thinned out. But, if you like what the Irish Freedom Party stands for, don't hesitate to switch parties and join the IFP, and our cause. However, we will not tolerate cross-party voting. The PP elections are for those in their respective parties.

And good luck to all our candidates,