Army Commander owns the military?

Day 927, 01:45 Published in Singapore Finland by Erius

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Greetings, citizens of Singapore

This article, my friends, is mostly about Singapores military and it`s leader. It also includes my own thoughts and some arguments to Relorians previous articles and post`s. Even if I might sound too rude in this article, I still respect Relorian and his skills – this is why I want to remind you that I`m not attacking against him as a person. I truly hope that this article will cause some discussion and maybe will wake some thoughts in it`s readers.

About Singapores ”neutrality” and our geopolitical situation

”Allowing Platoon leaders (or Regiment leaders) to choose where to do training is a bad idea that might cross the lines of neutrality in a more open fashion and draw attention from the super alliances onto eSingapore for either supporting or attacking an Alliances goals. ”

This comment on Relorians previous article forced me to write this part into my text. You can read almost same thoughts, which I`m gonna present right here, from my article (which I published during my term as a Singapores president):

First of all, Singapore is not a neutral country. Relorian said that we would be, and some other players also said so. Those comments are all lies. We`ve declared that Malaysia, Philipines, China and many other Sol nations are our allies. If a nation states that they`re allied with some other nations, are they still neutral? No, they`re not.

I totally understand that we want to stay away from PHOENIX-EDEN conflict, but when talking about ”Singapores neutrality” we lie to our people. If people think that we`re neutral, then they start to fear everything. I remember well how couple indonesian players posted some threathing articles to our media during my presidency and how they declared us as a traitors. Those articles caused panic and a lot of discussion what would happen if Indonesia would attack. I wrote an article to media about the situation (the link to that article can be above) and succeed to calm people a little bit. This was just a one excample about all this. I suggest that we forget the word ”neutrality” unless we`re clearly talking about our status in EDEN-PHOENIX war. We have friendly and trustful allies and so we`re not neutral.

We`ve have three neighbouring countries around us. Indonesia, Malaysia and Philipines. Two of them are our allies and it is almost impossible that they would ever threath us. Indonesia is PHOENIX nation and former PEACE nation and has always been an threath to our indepence. They`re the only nation who is able to attack us. Let`s see, what it would cost to them to attack us:

”It would be madness to attack Singapore now. We don`t have an open war with Indonesia and so they would have to declare war before their attack. This would mean that have to pay a high cost (If I calculated right that would cost something like 900g) for war itself – and then from the attack. After they would have launched their attack the battle itself would be a hard to win. We have many allies and friends who would come here to help us and indos would have to use much gold to win that battle. And then... what they would gain? There is nothing special here – nothing valuable enough for them to attack. They would only get our last region and that would be easy to take back some day. That would be just too expensive for them to do right now. If I would be part of Indonesia`s goverment I would plan to do a market attack and try to unbalance our economy – that would be much easier way to revenge our ”treachery”. ”

You can get EVERY vital information from that quote. Singapores does not have any high resources – we have a small population. All in all, we`re a poor nation and there is nothing what Indonesia would want. The only reason why they would attack us is if they want to bully a smaller one – but that would be a really expensive bullying for them. Also, if Indonesia would open a war with us, it would be possible that EDEN will open a new front to SE Asia and use that war against Indonesia.

About Relorians comment on super alliances: Why would EDEN and PHOENIX care about Singapore? We have only one region – without high resources. The only thing that would gain their attention would be a block war against Indonesia – and that is what we`re never going to.

The only thing we`ve have to worry about is PTO. We don`t have to fear a loss of our only region, but PTO threaths are much bigger problem to us. That is why we`re not totally safe here.

Military and ideas of reorganizing it – Relorian

Relorian is too conservative. This is not an insult – it`s a fact. I understand him in someway, but he has always been aware of changes. When someone proposes something new, he will consider it very carefully trought before will make any decicions. This is good trait in him, but always – I mean ALWAYS – when there is a new idea for military, he will never think it`s a good idea (or atleast I`ve never seen such).

None of the eWorlds militaries is perfect. Our military is not perfect. If someone has a new plans for our military – a reform, new names for units etc. - that does not mean it`s gonna be a bad idea if our military ”is working fine”.

Relorian has been MoD of Singapore too many times. I don`t say that he is selfwish, but it seems that he has started to think that there is not many players who`re able to run it – and he is one of those. No any military should run around one person – and our military has done so. Relorian is a experienced person and he knows our military, but for some reason he has started to think that it is HE who will choose if a player is good enough for a office of MoD. ”I had intended to step
down after this month and was going to name Kryteshyft the successor to the
MoD role.”
Since when it has been a former MoD who has named the new one?

I remember the days when I runned for presidency. I did not took Relorian as a MoD, because I wanted to see new faces in our military and also try to do some changes – and I chose mdeusa03 as a MoD. Relorian was not happy for this, neather for changes. I wanted to keep him close to our military, because of his experience and I named him as a adviser.

Relorian has said that I don`t know our military – that I have never served in it. I`ve served in Torchwood, in Home Guard and I`ve been president of Singapore. I`ve keep in touch with Atra, who has told me everything he know about our military. Well... I`ve not been Minister of Defense last 12 months, but I know how our military is run and how it works. I think that Relorian thoughts are because Atra wants to change our military – not because I would be a bad leader for our military.

Relorian says that our military does not need changes. He says that our military works fine. Well... it could be worse, but I would not say that our military is as good as it could be. We lack of active players – that is a fact. ”3. Torchwood is active and can/will deploy with in 24 hours of being asked or ordered.” I`m glad if he has succeed to get our military work in the way like this, but before my term and during it, Torchwood was not able to get ¾ of it`s soldiers into one battlefield in 24h. I`m really glad if they can do it now. But still – is it enough? Relorian is right about it, that V2 is not here yet, but when it comes we need active soldiers more than inactive and strong ones. Is it a bad idea to develope our military so that it will work well when V2 will come?

Relorian and Ice Freeze has declared that Relorian will be Ice`s Vice President if he will win the elections. After I`ve read their articles I`ve made only one conclusion: Relorian decided to support Ice Freeze only because Ice has not promised to do any changes in our military and as a Vice President he can make sure that not such are even made. Relorian gave his support to a player, who has been REALLY inactive one in last months (I don`t say that Ice would be a bad candidate, but I doubt that his activity is not just enough for presidency – and even if he is a good guy, that does not make him a good president). He did not gave his support to anyone else, because they wanted to reform our military (he said that Atracurium would be a perfect one for presidency, but that he disagrees with his thoughts on military). He chose inactive president who will not make changes instead of active one, who will do changes. I dare to say that he did not think what is the best for Singapore when he made that decicion.

After all this I have to say, that Relorian has acted REALLY childishly. He has always defended our military like his own child, but it has caused that he thinks that there is no one else who can run it (well... he stated that Kryte would be a good for the job, but he made also that decicion on his own – I don`t say he would not). IF military will be changed in some way, our country will not be destroyed. We can never be sure, what idea would work well and would not if we never try anything.

I`m pretty sure, that most of the readers of this article will support Relorian in all this – and that I will loose some of your respect and trust, but these words have to be said by someone. Relorian is appreciated person and trusted – and for good reason. But he is NOT perfect! I don`t say that I would be perfect one to run our military, but neather is Relorian. No one is perfect – our military is not perfect, it`s leaders are not perfect etc. And Relorian is not the only one, who can run our military – even if he has done good job with it. Commanders should be coordinators, not the owners of our military.

I don`t say that everyone should agree with Atra and me about the reforms in military, but Relorian cannot act like he would be the only one who knows how to run our military – neather if he would be the only one who is able to decide who can do it.


Singapores military will not fall, neather our nation will fall, if we will try to do some changes in our military