Are you dragging South Africa down?

Day 2,128, 06:09 Published in South Africa South Africa by Miyagiyoda

Epic Tournament
Nation rankings are calculated by the average hits that all fighters in South Africa do. This is an appeal to those who are 2-clicking.

If you have done less than 2,733 Prestige Points, you are dragging South Africa down.

Every point you earn moves our average up. Since you have done relatively few hits, its easier for you to move the average up, than its for top 25 who have more than 2,733 Prestige Points to drag us up.

Why should you care?
The higher our ranking the bigger the shield is we earn.
We also get more Gold which will get funnelled back into the community.
Its helps when we negotiate MPP to show that we hit well above our weight and are thus a worthy ally.

I'm in. What now?
Do not use weapons. The tournament is about number of hits -- not damage. All you need is food. Ask yourself why you are not hitting more. Do you need food?
Ask, we are there to help. Do you need more time?

The fastest and most efficient way to get more points is to hit when battles turn Epic. You earn 3x the points.
Every fight counts. There is no reason to be below 240 points. With thought, you can get to 500 points with only a little effort.

Do it for South Africa.

We are better than 37th in the world.
You are better than 37th in the world.

Amandla, Awethu.
Power to the people.

Create your destiny.

TL😉RFly, my pretties!