Alex"s guide for new players

Day 2,612, 06:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Aleksandar.V Popovic


Today I"ll write something different.I"ll write a some sort of my point of wiev,how I"ve looking our counry:.
eUK should be greater community with a lot"s of new players who want to play the game and for eUK.Every new player should know the basic facts concerning the country that he wants to be part of and play for:
-Training for gaining strength.When some new player want to start to play the game and to be part of this great country such as eUK should train more,save the gold for the training ground,cose when you are strong enough,you have to fight and it isn"t better way to fight for the country you are citizen and if you want to be part of this great country and by fighting you will gain TP-True Patriot medal with reward 5 gold/1000 CC by the new rule from admins of this game.New player have to and need to save enough gold in order to upgrade Training Center(the cheapest TC is -free one-the 1st one),from Q1 to Q4
- the 2nd(Climb Center)from Q1 to Q4
- the 3rd (Shooting Range) Q1 to Q4
- the 4th and the last Q1 to Q4

One more thing concerning the Training.Don"t buy or sighn the Training Contract
before upgradeing all training grounds.Also there are every 1st week of the month the discount,which contains 45% less cost of upgradeing TG.

There are in eUK several MU-Military units with stronger,experienced players who willing to help YOU to gain experience by training and fighting with lot"s of good stuff in all MU-s in eUK.Here it is some of them:
1.The Dental Corps( the strongest,the greatest and with lot"s of members in the unit)with guys such as:Wayne Kerr,BrickTamland,Fataliix
Dental Corps-DC have weekly strikes when delivers 5 or 7 q7 weaps with food handout.Also rewarding system in DC is quite good for all new players.
2.The Free British Irregurals have weekly strikes(Sunday Super Strike),where member gets 7 q7 weaps and 20q5 food supplies,also during SSS the member will put his number of kills,the damage he made and the Division he is in it.
3.The Royal Navy are quite strong and well trained unit with their members,with lot"s of good stuff and also rewarding system inside this unit.
In this unit new member will need to be strong enough to be part of this unit.The experienced members such as mick cain,Neil Lewis( the Commander of the unit),and others will help YOU to be on their level where they are now.
4.The Funky Army ( probably name changed) 😉 are the one of the oldest MU-s in eUK and they also have quite good number of experienced members which are there to help new players.

This are only 4 MU-s in eUK with lot"s of good stuff to start fighting for the country YOU are part .
Now the easiest part of this lovely community,and that is politics.There are in eUK TOP 5 political parties in eUK:
-The Unity Party-TUP
-The United Kingdom Progress Party-UKPP
-The United Kingdom Reform Party-UKRP
-The United Kingdom Workers Right Party-WRP
-People Communist Party-PCP

Each and every of them will give YOU opportunity to develop your skills as politician.Politics in eUK are clean,without bringing dirty loundery,deceptions,lies.In all of above Parties there are good,respectfull and helpfull people who will be willing to help in your path to be succssefull politician.Congress elections are on 25th each month and it"s easy opportunity to try yourself in the Congress.If YOU enter into Congress will get 5 gold as reward for get seat into Congress.The Country Presidential elections are on 5th and all Parties will provide ballot inside the Party and than will choose own candidate for CP race or endorse someone from some other Party.So the opportunity to be CP is easy but first YOU should be elected 🙂.

For gaining political experience and being succssefull politicians there aren"t much science about to talk and it depends on your loyalty to the Party which candidates YOU for the elections.

As someone who past all the possible obsticles to be Country President,I can only say that I"ve done great things while being CP.What"s the most important for new young player is that TRAINING-yes TRAIN more,be STRONG before anything else.For the politics isn"t important strength,for fighting and training are and allways be the TRAINING,so new players should train first before any political inflantry in eUK.

So ladies and gentlemen that"s all for today.Till the next seeing
Your editor and Director of the DAILY INDENPEDENT

Aleksandar-Alex V.Popovic