Air Rank Program ePhilippines 8th week | Interview with paks69

Day 4,025, 11:24 Published in Philippines Ireland by Irish Development Fund

Dear citizens of ePhilippines,

I would like to introduce a little interview-series in order to know each other better and to understand each other's perspectives better. My first interviewee is paks69.

Tell about yourself! Are you from Philippines in real life? How did you find and join the game?

i'm from city of manila, phillipines...just saw this game on FB and get interested, the rest is history, hehehe. how 'bout you?

Haha, I am from Hungary and I saw the game on a social site. What do you think about the game, what do you like about it, and what don't?

i'ts a nice game but, i didn't understand about producing anything...i hardly produce any from my factories...

Do you get enough help from older players in guidance on the game or in material supply?

you're the only one that helps me...hehehe

What are your plans? You would like to achieve political, economy or military career?

so far, i just want to improve my status...

Is the Aircraft Rank Improvement Program helpful for you?

yup, it helps a lot...but, i still want to focus on my factories, short of money to transfer them from mindanao to luzon, hehehe

What do you think about the Philippines community? Have you made friends since you are here?

a lot of my countrymen accept me as friend...we're allies, right?

Yes we are 🙂 I wish you a lot of success and fun here, and thank you for answering my questions!

The eighth week of the Aircraft Rank Improvement Program of Philippines ended. Congratulations to the outstanding results!

We are waiting for new applicants, if you would like to join, you can apply anytime by writing me PM or in comment under the article! If you are active and want to know other communities, you can still apply for the Aviator Exchange Program.

Results of the last week:

Citizen 39408163
Marie von Gablitz 
Al Raposas
Air kill
4 146
1 609
1 484
20730 PHP
8045 PHP
7420 PHP
2245 PHP
1600 PHP
785 PHP

About the Aircraft Rank Improvement Program

The Aircraft Rank Improvement Program is managed by Ireland in order to help players in allied countries. The aim of the program is to encourage and support players to improve their characters in air battles who are too weak in ground battles. The participants of the program receive reward for their activity in air battles. This reward is 5 PHP/1 aircraft kill. The rewards are counted based on the number of aircraft kills in the weekly leaderboards, and will be paid every week on Tuesday after week change.

The conditions of the participation:

You have to be ePhilippine citizen,
Your ground rank has to be under Legend,
You have to apply

You can apply by writing me PM or in comment under the article.

If you have any question please ask me! 🙂

Thank you for reading

MoFA of eIreland