Air Rank Program eAustralia 9th week | Interview with Pickl3z

Day 4,025, 10:19 Published in Australia Ireland by Irish Development Fund

Dear citizens of eAustralia,

I would like to introduce a little interview-series with our air-program participants in order to know each other better and to understand each other's perspectives better. My first interviewee is Pickl3z. My apologies for the slow progress while doing the interview, I had little time in the last weeks. Nevertheless I hope you will like it.

Tell about yourself! Are you from Australia in real life? How did you find and join the game?

So my name's Picklez both in the game and in real life it's my nickname.. I'm a real Australian born an breed here from a convict heritage lol.. I discovered this game through a Facebook friend who had written a review on it and with the first 4 days I was hooked with the concept of the hole thing.. a few of my close friends have joined the game since and we spend at least an hour a day sitting in a group discussing the world events we've been able to discover or translate..

What do you think about the game? What do you like about it and what don't?

So far I'm loving the game. The politics an economics was what brought me to the game but it's the fast paced attitude to war and how quick counties can change sides that makes me check the game every hours or so. along with the great community I've got to know so far there is nothing I can reallt fault the game on but one thing I would add is new eWorld servers so that us newbees aren't trying to make our way in an already old world..

Yes, the newbies are starting with big disadvantage especially in the military module. Do you receive enough help either information on the game or material supply from the older players?

Yes I got a lot of help in the way of energy from both my community and from allies an even enemies sometimes 🙂 as for the political side of it I'm still only new in the eyes of the older community here an it's hard to trace down old deals an plans that had been made before my joining so for that aspect it's a bit difficult but as for help an info about the game there is always someone online that's willing to give advice or even a helping hand trying to work something out or even improve on you company side of the game..

That's good to hear 🙂 What are your plans for the future? Is there any module that you are particularly interested in, for example politics or military?

I like the political side of the game an wouldn't mind having a more xlactive role in the future.. my current goals are just to expand my holdings and hopefully get an employee or two in the not to distant future..

Thank you for the answers, and I wish you many success and fun in the game! 🙂

Cheers Aimeisan and thank you for all the support you have given us newbees 🙂

The ninth week of the Aircraft Rank Improvement Program of Australia ended. Due to the erep birthday event you had record activity. Congratulations to the results!

And special congratulations to those, who acquired the nice blue airplane skin!

We are waiting for new applicants, if you would like to join, you can apply anytime by writing me PM or in comment under the article! If you are active and want to know other communities, you can still apply for the Aviator Exchange Program.

Results of the last week:

Alks Brusilov
Muhammed Osmanoglu 
Air kill
42160 AUD
12775 AUD
8955 AUD
4485 AUD
4385 AUD
3140 AUD
3000 AUD
70 AUD

About the Aircraft Rank Improvement Program

The Aircraft Rank Improvement Program is managed by Ireland in order to help players in allied countries. The aim of the program is to encourage and support players to improve their characters in air battles who are too weak in ground battles. The participants of the program receive reward for their activity in air battles. This reward is 5 AUD/1 aircraft kill. The rewards are counted based on the number of aircraft kills in the weekly leaderboards, and will be paid every week on Tuesday after week change.

The conditions of the participation:

You have to be eAustralian citizen,
Your ground rank has to be under Legend,
You have to apply

You can apply by writing me PM or in comment under the article.

If you have any question please ask me! 🙂

Thank you for reading

MoFA of eIreland