A Progressive Force

Day 1,642, 10:18 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112
Join us today!
Dear citizens of the eNetherlands.

Are you tired of slow daily orders in your Military Unit?
Are you fed up with your bureaucratic military leaders?
Do you wonder if there are any MU's in which you DO receive supplies?

I am NoTie112, former President of the eNetherlands and currently assigned as Military Commander of 'The Dutch Progressives Military Unit' (TDP MU). Don't get confused by our name; Although loosely affliated to the Dutch Progressive Political Party, our Military Unit is NOT abused as potential source of votes during elections, in contrast to the other political Military Units.

The Dutch Progressive Military Unit is striving for a radical improved military order in the eNetherlands (as it's name says - we're progressive!). If you join our Military Unit, I guarantee you the following:

*Up-To Date Daily Orders - So you can always fight for your bazooka's and missions.

*Daily Supplies - Not satisfied with the lack of weapons the politicians give? No worries! We'll give you free supplies to help defend our country.

*A friendly and helpfull environment - In our Military Unit you'll be trained to be an experienced fighting machine, not to be kept artificially weak and prone to be abused for votes during elections, as done in the other Military Units.

Join us today!

She's waiting for you to train her..

Join us today!

Military Commander