A New eUS'er

Day 1,848, 15:26 Published in USA USA by irule777

For the last year I’ve been a vivid and active member of the Australian community as an Aussie citizen serving several cabinet terms, 3 senate terms and once as Vice President. Not to mention two presidential campaigns. This month I finally took a leap and decided to try something new, meet some new people, and join a new country. After a year of Australia, I became a United States citizen and I’ve very excited to be here.

You can find me often on IRC, in game, or on forums. I love talking to people, being active and making friends so always feel free to shoot me a friend request or message/query.

Mainly I just wanted to say Hello to everyone, introduce myself, and hopefully get acquainted with my new community 🙂 I’m a Fed member and look forward to meeting many more of all of you and hope the US is as welcoming as Fingerguns 😛


(Also check out me and Shoi's Drama series that makes fun of Soap Operas, and look forward to new episodes soon! http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-ep-102-love-comes-in-many-forms--2171387/1/20)