10 Days of Chance - Answers revealed. Click the submittal link

Day 1,551, 22:48 Published in USA Canada by Thomas Arashikage

I don't know why I write articles so close to Congressional elections that have nothing to do with them whatsoever but I do.

Here goes....

This article will continuously update for the next 10 days.

The purpose: Something a bit different and to get to know a little about me.

(If you care)

Each day, starting today I will post a clue about something I like.
First person to gather 10 correct answers wins 10 gold.

Pretty sweet right?

Clue #1 It can have meat, cheese and a bunch of other things and is usually heated at 350-375 degrees.
Clue #2 They play in the state in the US in which I'm from and wear pinstripes.
Clue #3 Floats like a butterfly and sings like a bee.
Clue #4 It can be done in a number of ways in a number of places with multiple people.
Clue #5 CMSR
Clue #6 Michael, Jim, Pam, Dwight, Kevin, Toby, Andy, Angela, Meredith, Creed, Kelly, Jan, Stanley, Oscar, Ryan.
Clue #7 Am I a clown? Do I amuse you?
Clue #8 First played professionally in 1892.
Clue #9 The perfect drink with the perfect pour.
Clue #10 It can kill you with red rings.

Submit answers here!

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