1 Day Only!!!

Day 4,783, 10:01 Published in Canada Canada by Mann551

One day only event!

Comment and receive 1,000 cc!

For each unique comment below your comment, receive an additional 100 cc.

from now on, only a new comment will count! If you comment in a reply to someone elses comment, you will not be entered into the prize pool, which also helps no one else either.

*EDIT* This is all comments below, not necessarily replies to your comment specifically.


Mann551 comments the first comment: "First"
L4wkee replies to Mann551 comment: "First to the first"
L4wkee posts his own comment: "Comment"
Burlington Food Corporation comments his own comment: "Thanks Mann"

In this case, Mann551 has received 1,000 cc plus 200 cc for two unique comments below his comment, even though they were not a reply to his original comment.

Let the pyramid scheme begin!

Only comments from 23:59 and before will be counted. Once Christmas Day begins, giveaway ends.

Open to all members of the World!