[Wilker4PP] Autopsy of the Congress Elections

Day 4,573, 03:45 Published in USA Chile by Wilker Nath
Hello, I’m Johnny Cash


A quick announcement before I dive in: the Minister-of-Programs-ing of H U L K has been NOT decided upon! Hulk actually mentioned to me and the current WTP leadership that he expects to get busier irl sometime soon, so he would like someone else to take over the food program. I put forth the name of someone who's well-known within the party, no one seemed to object, and that person accepted the role. I'll leave that got Dom to announce, though.

I also have one person who agreed to be IES Liaison, and one person I’m waiting to hear back from. I will make contact with IES on that project sometime soon.

I’m still looking for a Minister of Media, at least one Minister of Recruitment, and at least one more IES Liaison. There’s lots of room in my cabinet for a good team of people.

So the vote results are in.

And for reference, here’s what the congress results looked like last month.

As of writing, here’s the current party rankings by membership.

I don’t have exact numbers to say how many members each party had a month ago, but I do know that WTP gained AT LEAST 40 new members since my eRepublik birthday - April 14th. I remember that we passed the Feds in membership soon after I joined.

Looking at the vote results, we can see that 26 more people voted this month than last month. I can believe that. I’ve been seeing more new players around in every top 5 party, and even some returning players.

USWP had 29 votes to last month’s 24 votes - they gained about 1% of the vote share and 5 votes.

SFP had 71 votes to last month’s 43. They gained 28 more votes than last month, and a full 7% of the vote share.

BSP dropped 1% and 1 vote.

Feds gained 3 votes but lost a little over 1% of the vote share.

And WTP? We lost 9 votes and a whopping 5% of the vote share in a month where every other party either tread water or gained.

So let’s explore that.

So why did SFP get more votes than it has members, while WTP lost votes despite gaining many new members?

I’ve heard that they won votes from EPU because they regularly run EPU members for congress. I do believe that’s part of it (and if I am elected PP I will make it a goal to get at least one 6th party candidate into our congress primary) but I don’t think that in itself is the whole picture.

Shortly after the recent PP election that Dominar won, it came out on the Public Congressional board of the eUS forums that he took it upon himself to interview CS applicants, and instructed some of the WTP congressmen to approve their applications in-game, while circumventing IES.
Granted he did apologize for this and agree to stop doing it, but I’m looking at it from a hypothetical voter’s point of view.

Later, PiZ came out with an article revealing inconsistencies involving stories about the death of his RL father.
Lying about that kind of thing isn’t my favorite, but strictly speaking, I wouldn’t consider that alone as grounds for a blacklist. Again, though, we’re thinking about the average voter, not about me.

Soon after this, congress successfully voted to blacklist Dom.

Following this was yet another controversy surrounding WTP’s PP, though. Dominar denied a congress primary vote as well as a seat in the congress lineup to KingTaco and Ryan Christ on the basis of them voting yes to the blacklist in the above linked congress thread.

And that was the mood that WTP rode into the congressional election on.

-I do believe that some of the new members we picked up from last month voted WTP.

-I think that 6th party members who may have voted for us last month certainly didn’t this month.

-I also believe that some old members who disagree with one of the 3 major scandals listed above which happened in the course of a single week, held their vote or gave a protest vote.

I voted WTP myself, but I find it funny, I would’ve guessed the Feds would be the ones to receive any protest votes, because I see them as being the most forum-friendly, and because they gave Taco a reasonable spot on their congress lineup. SFP people do have a history of being very outspoken against Dom and CG, though, so in hindsight, it does make sense.

I’m surprised that protest votes came out so visibly this election, but here we are.

I’m running for PP because I want to undo the damage done by these scandals. I see those scandals as not only a weakening of the party in and of themselves, but also now a reason that we lose votes during elections.

I want to save our party’s reputation with regards to IES, I want to welcome Taco and Ryan back into the party with open arms, and I want to take action against congressmen who violate IES rules. I believe some number of WTP members feel the same.

I do hope I’m elected as PP, because I really want to take this party to a better spot. Please consider giving me your vote when that election comes around.

We the People
Rise Up Stronger
