[UKPP] UKPP PP Primary Ballot

Day 2,913, 13:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mad Pauly

UKPP PP Primary!

It's time for UKPP to choose their candidate to support for their Party President. As a member of the party, you should receive a message from me, continuing in my temporary balloteer role thanks to a slight organisational mishap from our otherwise stalwart ballotteer Neil Lewis, giving instructions for voting.

Once more, for every valid ballot you have a chance of winning great prizes - just post a comment below once you've voted and you're in with a chance of winning goodies!

Losers in the ballot are expected to resign from the Party Presidential race* which should leave just one candidate**.

There are the following prizes on offer:

1st prize: 50 Q7 weapons and 100 Q5 food
2nd prize: 25 Q7 weapons and 50 Q5 food
3rd prize: 10 Q7 weapons and 25 Q5 food

Vote now!

Get Media-Active!

Remember that I am offering a cash reward of 250CC for any article published by UKPP members that I deem to be interesting, useful or projects the party in a good light. The articles must be non-partisan. Humour, satire (even at my expense) and parody are all welcome. The article I deem to be best by the end of my term will receive an additional reward of 1000CC. Get writing!

I'm in ur noozpaper readin ur nooz.

* If they have any honour, that is.
** Should. It should have done so last time too, but some people just want to see the world burn can't seem to be able to follow simple requests.

TL😉R? Vote now!