[UKPP] Our Elected Congress List

Day 2,895, 04:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mad Pauly

The Votes Are In

After some frenzied campaigning, members of the UKPP have voted for their congress representatives. 37 ballots were cast, each voting for five members, of which 9 were rejected for voting irregulaties. Now over to Len Goodman with the scores.

1: Mad Pauly - 23 votes
2: Neil Lewis - 21 votes
3=: Pannonian Nomad - 15 votes
3=: Colddragon - 15 votes
5: Pugg - 12 votes
6: CHAPP1E - 11 votes
7: Long John Peter - 10 votes
8=: Argon4 - 9 votes
8=: King William the Great - 9 votes
10: Qoroitean - 8 votes
11: Malaclypse the Younger - 7 votes

N W G entered the congress race after balloting had opened. In the event of tied votes, position was determined by deathmatch the earliest vote polled.

It's prize time! All who voted in the ballot and commented on my previous article had a chance to win some amazing prizes.

1st prize: 50 Q7 weapons and 100 Q5 food
2nd prize: 25 Q7 weapons and 50 Q5 food
3rd prize: 10 Q7 weapons and 25 Q5 food

So with no further ado, here are the results:


Wait, More Elections?

That's right! CP elections are around the corner and if you think you have what it takes to run the country, send me a message before Friday to be entered into the ballot for UKPP's CP. As ever, candidates from third parties are welcome to pitch for a place on the ballot, and there will be a "free vote" option.

Cabinet Cat is not in a cabinet

TL😉R? Interesting times...