[UKPP] Mad Pauly As You've Never Seen Him Before

Day 2,923, 01:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hail Astrid

"I am offering a reward of 250 Q5 food for any article published by UKPP members that I deem to be interesting, useful or projects the party in a good light. The articles must be non-partisan (i.e. no manifestos or calls to vote for certain candidates). Humour, satire (even at my expense) and parody are all welcome. The article I deem to be best by the end of my term will receive an additional reward of 1000 Q5 food. Nothing piqued my interest last term - let's see if we can give those ESO and Nifty boys a run for their money in the UK media!"

- Mad Pauly, as quoted from [UKPP] Vote For Your Congress Representatives!

/me waits for 1250 Q5 food