[UKPP] Getting Things Done

Day 2,889, 15:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mad Pauly

A New PP - A New Start

In an effort to increase party participation, I have opened party messages involving all who had accepted my friend requests following the PP elections. In this way, noone may accuse me of excluding anyone - those who have rejected or ignored my request have effectively excluded themselves.

It's still early days, but already proposals for changing the way primary ballots for congress are run have been made. Surprisingly, for once I am in agreement with my main political opponent on this point.
Civility, not Civil War

Over recent months, the party has been split along partisan lines. I for one am tired of these hostilities and am making a call for them to stop. We are all members of the same political party and need to start pulling in the same direction. Some of us may not like others, but this political mudslinging has caused damage to the reputation and standing of our great party and must stop.

This is not intended to silence critics - I am happy for criticism to be made, as long as it is constructive.

Be Civil, UKPP!

Vote In Primaries, Win Prizes!

I said in my manifesto and first PP statement that I would be offering prizes in raffles for those who vote in primaries. Thanks to a very generous donation from my predecessor UROSZero, I am able to offer significantly better rewards than I had anticipated.

So how will this work?

Once ballot papers have been sent out, I shall be releasing an article on the raffle. Once you have voted, comment on the article and you will be entered into the raffle. Spoiled ballots or attempts to cheat will render the offending member ineligible for prizes.

So what can I win?

For each of the primaries (Congress, CP and PP), there will be the following prizes on offer:

1st prize: 50 Q7 weapons and 100 Q5 food
2nd prize: 25 Q7 weapons and 50 Q5 food
3rd prize: 10 Q7 weapons and 25 Q5 food

Remember to vote!

Get Media-Active!

I will be offering a cash reward of 250CC for any article published by UKPP members that I deem to be interesting, useful or projects the party in a good light. The articles must be non-partisan. Humour, satire (even at my expense) and parody are all welcome. The article I deem to be best by the end of my term will receive an additional reward of 1000CC. Get writing!

Newspaper Cat wants news to read

TL😉R? More activity, less aggro!